Family Video

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That was the first thing Eddie heard when he woke up-  a repeating beeping noise. Eddie noticed his whole body was in pain, but he just tightened him hold on the pillow he was semi on, eyes still glued shut. He felt like he hasn't slept in weeks. So some annoying beeping sound won't make him get up- even if it was hurting his ears.
It repeated again and again. Eddie just buried his face deeper in the soft pillow. He didn't remember his bed being this comfortable- he didn't remember having this big of a pillow ether- but he really didn't want to think of that right now, he just wanted sleep, he needed it. He had to get sleep or else he wouldn't know what to do.
The beeping stopped as Eddie suddenly felt movement from under him, hearing a quiet groan. Eddie blinked open his eyes quickly, feeling sick as he did so-  He saw that his face was nuzzled into a man's neck- shit- he quickly shot his whole body back, eyes a bit blurry from waking up. There was a man in front of him -the one his face was nuzzled into- his hair looked messy, he looked like he'd be the kind to do sports -ew- and he oddly looked familiar. His sickness suddenly got worse as he shot up- he needed to get out of there, and fast. He quickly got out of the bed and tried to stand- but fell instantly. The stranger quickly grabbed his arm before he could hit the ground, and started rushing him somewhere-
"Get off of me!" Eddie hissed out, as he noticed his shirt was gone- did he do something with this guy-?
"Shit- hey- calm down, Eds- it's me Steve-" the man rushed out, as he tightened his grip on Eddie's arm. Eddie rubbed his eyes with his hand- and there stood Steve by him- Eddie blinked again.
"Shit- sorry-" he mumbled sheepishly- a bit muffled as he put a hand over his mouth, feeling like he was going to hurl. Steve rushed him into a bathroom- that was in his room?! Jesus this guy is rich. And set him by the toilet- which was good, because as soon as Steve let go of him, Eddie spilled his guts out- Steve rubbed in a circle motion on Eddie's back with one hand, and the other was holding Eddie's hair up- which was in a ponytail? When did that happen?
One Eddie was finished, Steve gave him a cup of water and some pills.
"Trying to drug me Harrington?" Eddie joked as he smirked. Still, he took the pills in his hand. Steve playfully rolled his eyes, with a small smirk on his face.
"Maybe." He teased, then immediately dropped it. "For your wounds-" he grimaced, giving an apologetic look towards him. Eddie frowned, as he took the pills in one gulp.
"Ack-" Eddie handed the water back to Steve, sticking out his tongue in disgust. "Does all rich peoples water taste like that-" he narrowed his eyes at the cup, like it offended him- which maybe it did. Steve took a sip of the water.
"Tastes fine to me man. It's just normal tap water." Steve commented. Eddie rolled his eyes.
"Rich people water-" he scoffed jokingly, then straightened his face. "So-" he looked around awkwardly. "Did you kidnapped me in my sleep or something Harrington?" He half joked, looking down at his bandaged abdomen with a grimace. "And somehow took off my shirt-"
"You don't remember anything-?" Steve asked, a soft look soft look on his face. Eddie couldn't really read his facial expression that well -he could read the concern and slight panic though- He suddenly felt a bit of panic.
"Shit- I- We didn't do- anything right-?" He glanced down at his shirtless self once again, he heard Steve scoff quietly.
"No, I wouldn't let that happen," he said softly. "You did say some things though-" he looked away- was he upset? Eddie squinted his eyes, trying to remember last night. He remembered getting back into his old habit of drinking and smoking when he was stressed, -not a good moment for him- napping, getting woken up by Steve -right Eddie somewhat remembered that-Watching a movie or two, and going to bed. Shit- he can't remember any conversations from last night- what did he say- did he hurt Steve's feelings? Did he hurt Steve? Eddie shuffled over to the wall that was Closest to him, and got into the fetal position, hiding his face in his knees, he could feel his wings subconsciously move against him, like they were grading him.
"Shit- I said something stupid didn't I-? I'm sorry-" he mumbled into his knees, sounding a bit muffled. He felt Steve shuffle close to him.
"Hey- no- you didn't say anything bad, I promise." He said softly, crouching down infront of Eddie, holding his pinky finger out, Eddie peeked over his knees, and laughed.
"Are you holding your pinky finger out to me Harrington?" He laughed harder. -it actually kinda hurt to laugh- "I'm not five Stevie." He rolled his eyes playfully, but still connected his pinky with Steve's.
"Sorry-" Steve blushed- "force of habit" he looked away sheepishly, putting his hand down, getting back on topic. "You didn't say anything wrong Eds, you just didn't mean what you said-"
"Eds-?" Eddie blinked, shocked- Eddie could feel his face flush. Steve Harrington- his crush sense fucking freshman year! Was calling him the most basic nickname ever- but Eddie still found himself blushing at it. "What did I say?" He asked softly, wings unfolding a bit, leaning in a bit. Steve looked at him, his face was bright red, was he mad? Eddie frowned, leaning back a bit- then Steve grabbed his hand- shit.
"You said-" he looked away, his face getting more red by the second. "That you loved me-" he said quietly, just under a whisper. Eddie blinked- shit- did he confess to Steve while he was drunk?! He hid his face in his knees again, wrapping his free hand around himself, as he felt tears prick his eyes, wings back where they just were.
"I'm sorry- shit! I'm so sorry! You can kick me out if you want- I'm sorry!!- god- you probably hate me now- god I'm so, so sorry Steve-" Eddie was cut off as Steve tightened his hold on Eddie's hand.
"You- you meant it?" He asked, voice soft and vulnerable, Eddie peeked his head out a bit, Steve's eyes were practically glowing-
"Y-yeah?" He perked up his head a bit, wings folding downward once again, eyebrows farrowed. "You can kick me out if-" he was once again cut off- but this time it wasn't because of Steve's hand, it was because of his lips, Steves wet, pink, cherry colored lips. Steve Harrington was kissing him- he was kissing Eddie Munson- Eddie blinked away the shock after a second and kissed Steve back. The kiss definitely wasn't the best kiss Eddie ever had- it tasted like morning breath and bitterness- but he didn't mind- he was kissing Steve fucking Harrington!! They finally ripped apart to catch their breath, they both were blushing messes-
"You- like me back-?" Eddie asked after a few seconds- Steve giggled- a full on giggle- Eddie thought he was dreaming.
"I mean-" another giggle broke out. "Was the kiss not obvious enough?" He asked, he was grinning ear to ear, god Eddie couldn't handle this.
"I don't know-?" Eddie said sheepishly, looking everywhere but Steve, until Steve grabbed his face with both his hands.
"I like you." He said confidently, then gave Eddie another kiss. He pulled away before Eddie could kiss back.
"G-good- I like you too." He stuttered out, his face felt burning hot. Steve shoved his arm lightly, and squinted his eyes at Eddie.
"Ok- I mean no offense by this but- take a shower- you've been in the- gone- for a month- you're dirty." He stated, as Eddie looked at himself, he had blood and grime all over him, he nodded with a grimace.
"Right- so what am I going to wear- I'm assuming my clothes are way too dirty for me to wear now-" he asked, as Steve grimaced, looking guilty.
"About your clothes-" he fidgeted with his hands. "They're kinda destroyed-"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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