Chapter 5

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*Breena's POV*

Both Steve and I arrive at Wheaton on an old military boot camp and I see Steve grab his shield and we both get out of the car. "This is it?" Steve asks me and I look at the coordinates again. "File came from these coordinates." I respond to him and he looks at the sign with the camp name. "So did I" he says and I look at him as he remembers part of his past. Steve opens the gate and we both walk into the camp I take the device with the location to see if I can pin point anything else from here but nothing comes up.

The sky grows darker and we still haven't found any evidence that the file came from here. "This camp is where I was trained." Steve says still looking at it like it brought back his memories of 1945. I still look around the camp trying to find anything that shows where the file comes from. "Change much?" I ask him still looking for evidence and Steve stops following me as he looks around. "A little." he says and I don't hear him anymore but all my focus is trying to find where this file came from. I give up looking and say to Steve, "This is a dead end. N0 heat signatures, n0 waves, not even radio. Whoever wrote the file must've used a router to throw people off" I say to him and he looks at something like something there is off. "What is it?" I ask him as he looks at the thing he's staring at.

He walks over to a building and I follow him there. "Army regulation forbids storing foreign munitions within 500 yards of the barracks." he begins to say, "This building's in the wrong place". He brakes the lock on the door with his shield and opens it. We walk in and see a staircase leading downstairs. We follow them and they lead us to a room. I flip the light switch on and the first thing I see is the S.H.I.E.L.D. symbol. "This is S.H.I.E.L.D." I say and walk forward. Steve follows me and looks around confused like I am, "Maybe where it started." he says. We walk around trying to find anything conspicuous that could be related to the file.

We walk into another room and see pictures of people, one catching my attention a bit. "There's Stark's father." I say, I may have not met Tony Stark but I know that he lets his actions show through his ego. "Howard." Steve says, I look at Steve and he seems sad about the picture of the girl. He must've really known her, "Who's the girl?" I ask him but he doesn't answer he just walks away. I look at the picture and then follow Steve and look around the room. He stops at a case and we both hear wind coming through there like it's hollow on the other side. "If your already working in a secret office," he begins and opens the door. I see his muscles ripple as he opens it and he seems to open it with ease. "Why do you need to hide the elevator?" he finishes his sentence and I walk in.

I could've teleported us in but I don't know how the room looks so I grab the gadget that I used to find the coordinates and get the code for the elevator. I see the code is 8359 and I punch it in. The elevator doors open and we head inside. As we head down everything is quiet then the doors open and the next room was pitch black. We walk inside and the lights still didn't come on until we walked further in. I see a bunch of old computers and one the size of a plasma screen TV and a camera attached above it. I look at this technology confused, how could this file come from here. "This can't be the data point. This technology is ancient." I say with a smirk and look at him and he looks around confused. But then I see something catch my eye, a USB port connected to the computer. I take the drive out and plug it in to the port.

Steve watches me and all the technology comes to life. The computer screen says something and it says Initiate System? . I walk up to it type and say, "Y-E-S spells yes." I hear the system boot up and it reminds me of the movie WarGames and I say with a smirk, "Shall we play a game?".

"It's from a movie-"

"I know I saw." Steve said interrupting me with a smirk.

I smile at him and we turn to see the computer boot up and a face pop up on the screen. "Rogers, Steven. Born 1918." the computer says in a German accent and I look at Steve who looks as confused as me. "Garcia, Breena Stacy. Born 1989." it says and I turn to face it. "It's some kind of recording." I say looking confused at it that it knows our names and the year we were born. "I am not a recording, fro line. I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945. But I am." he says and we look at the picture on the little screen on the right. I see a picture of a man with round glasses and almost no hair. "You know this thing?" I ask Steve wondering if he knew it and he looks at it confused and shocked. "Arnim Zola was a German scientist who worked for the Red Skull. He's been dead for years." Steve says as he walks around the computer.

"First correction, I am Swiss. Second, look around you. I have never been more alive." he begins and I look at Steve staying in the same spot I'm in, "In 1972, I was received a terminal diagnosis. Science could not save my body, but my mind however, that was worth saving. on 200,000 feet of databanks. You are standing in my brain."

Steve walks back next to me and asks, "How'd you get here?"

"Invited." he says.

"It's operation Paperclip. After World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited German scientists with strategic value." I say.

"They thought I could help their cause. I also helped my own." Zola said.

"Hydra died with the Red Skull." Steve says and I look at him.

"Cut off one head, two more shall take it's place."

"Prove it" Steve said.

He turns on two little screens on the bottom left and says, "Accessing archive". The screen shows a picture of a man with a Nazi flag waving behind it and Zola says, "Hydra was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What we did not realize was that even if you try to take that freedom they resist. The war taught us much, humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly. After the war S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded and I was recruited. The new Hydra grew a beautiful parasite inside S.H.I.E.L.D.. For 70 years Hydra has been secretly feeding crisis. Reeking war into when history did not cooperate, history was changed." he says and the pictures he was showing us were shocking. "That's impossible S.H.I.E.L.D. would've stopped you." I say to him still in shock and walking closer to the screens.

"Accidents will happen. Hydra created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom, to gain its security. Once the purification process is complete, Hydra's new world order will arise. We won, Captain, your death amounts to the same as your life." he shows pictures of Steve that he disappeared etc. "A zero sound."

Steve punches the big screen, pissed, and Zola's face disappears but comes back on the smaller screen on the right. "As I was saying..." he says and I back up a bit and Steve walks to the other screen still angry. "What's on this drive?" Steve asks Zola pissed. "Project Insight requires insight. So I wrote an algorithm." Zola says. "What kind of algorithm? What does it do?" I ask him crossing my arms. "The answer to your question is fascinating, unfortunately you shall be too dead to hear it." he says and both Steve and I turn to see the emergency doors start to close. Steve throws his shield but it was too late the doors were shut and I heard a ring go off in my pocket. I grab the gadget from my pocket and it said a rocket is headed here. "Steve, we got a bogie. Short range ballistic, 30 seconds tops." I say to him. "Who fired it?" he asks me as I put the gadget back in my pocket. "S.H.I.E.L.D." I answer to him and take the metal grate off with my telekinesis and grab the drive with my telekinesis too. I ignore whatever Zola was saying and run over to Steve who is waiting for me there. The missile hits before I get there and I'm in Steve's arms and I black out.

*Steve's POV

The doors were starting to close but I threw my shield to stop it. But I was a second too late. "Steve," I hear Bree say and I turn to her and she stares at the gadget, "we got a bogie. Short range ballistic, 30 seconds tops." she finishes and puts the gadget back in her pocket. "Who fired it?" I ask her wondering. "S.H.I.E.L.D." she says and I ignore whatever Zola might be saying and see Bree take off the metal grate with her telekinesis and grab the drive the same way. She runs over to me and the missile makes contact before Breena could get to me. Before the explosion could go further she's in my arms and I jump into the hole covering both of us with my shield. Debris starts to fall but I hold onto her and try to keep the debris from crushing us.

We survive the impact and I see that Breena's passed out. I move the big chunk of debris in front of us and lay her carefully on it. I check to see if anything survived but it didn't. I know that I had to get the both of us out of here. I pick Bree up and put her arm around me and I get the both of us out of the burning debris. That's when I hear quin jets coming and I run before they could find us. Once were not in range of them anymore I put Breena on the ground carefully and start to wake her up gently. "Breena." I say but she doesn't budge. "Breena, wake up." that time I see her eyes flutter open and she coughs a little. "What happened?" she asks looking up at me. "I had to get us out of there, the strike team would've caught us if we stayed." I tell her and she sits up and nods.

"How are we gonna get back to DC?" she asks.

"Got any bus fair?" I ask her and she looks at me confused.

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