Chapter 7

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When we get back to the city, all three of us get in the house and start to plan out how were gonna get Sitwell. "I'll track down, where he'll be at this moment." I tell both Steve and Sam. They both nod and Steve says to me, "We both can't be seen or else we'll be captured." I nod agreeing with him. "So, the only one who he'll see is you, Sam." I say motioning to him. "Alright, that works for me." he says to the both of us. I look to Steve and he looks at me, "So, where will we be?" I ask him. He looks down and puts his hand behind his neck, thinking. "We'll be somewhere where they won't see us but close enough to see what he does." he says and I smile and nod.

"What are we gonna do if he doesn't wanna give the information on Zola's algorithm?" Sam asks.

"We'll threaten him. Simple as that." I say with a smirk.

"We have the plan, Bree, find out where Sitwell's going right now." Steve says and I nod.

"Sam, you have a computer?" I ask him.

"Yeah, down the hallway to the right, how are you gonna try to block their homing system though?"

"I have my ways, Wilson, I was taught by the best agent in S.H.I.E.L.D. no worries." I tell him walking to the computer.


I was typing stuff in the computer, trying to find out where Sitwell could be at this moment. I find out that he's at a café with the senator. I run out of the room and see both Steve and Sam in the living room on the couch. "I found him" I say to them and Steve is the first one to get up and walk to me. "Where is he?" he asks and looks at me with wide eyes. "At a café a mile down with the senator. Their having lunch." I say looking into his blue eyes. I smile at him and he smiles back and we both blush.

"Alright, love birds, we don't have time for you two to kiss." Sam says walking up to us.

"Shut up, Wilson!" I yell staring at him and he laughs and walks away.

I look at the clothes we had yesterday and they were all dirty, especially my cream colored crop top. "Ok, we'll wear these but were going shopping to change" I say to Steve and he nods. I put my leather jacket on with my crop top, my dark colored skinny jeans and my combat boots I had on. I look over to Steve and see him shirtless. I smile and blush a bit and he turns around and sees me blushing. "Ready to go?" he asks smiling at me and I nod. We head out and see Sam waiting for us in the living room.

We get in the car and Steve puts his shield in front of him and I tell Sam, "Can we stop by the mall really quick? We need buy clothes to change" I say. He looks at me and says, "Alright, we'll go" he says and drives there. When we get there both Steve and I put our hoods on. I head to Forever 21 and I look through all the clothes on the rack. I eventually pick out a pink ruffled shirt and blue skinny jeans. I buy them and head to the bathroom to change. I put the pink ruffled shirt on with the leather jacket, then the blue skinny jeans. I put the combat boots on then head out throwing the bag away in the trash. Well, looks like I'll be buying a new pair of dark jeans and a new cream colored crop top. I wait for Steve at the lobby, like he said we would meet. He comes out with a navy blue jacket, a dark gray shirt, and khaki pants. I smile and he smiles back at me, "Shall we go?" he says sticking his arm out so I can grab his hand. "We shall" I say grabbing his hand and we both head out to the car.

We get to the car and Steve and I were still holding hands. Sam was staring at us and we let go and I head to the back seats and Steve takes shot gun and we drive to the café. "Sam, you'll wait for Sitwell right there at the table" Steve says to him. "We put his cell number on your phone, but when he looks at his phone it'll say 'Alexander Pierce'" I tell him and he nods. Both Steve and I walk away leaving Sam there. "Where are we gonna watch them?" I ask looking at Steve. "I was thinking about that tall building there" he says pointing at the building. I text Sam to meet us at the tall building on Florida Avenue and he responds ok.


About 30 minutes later Sam pulls up in the car and grabs Sitwell by the collar. By the looks on Sitwell's face, he's scared to see both me and Steve at the doorway. I walk over to Sam whispering in his ear, "Get the suit ready. When you see him fall that's your cue to fly and grab him and toss him back on the roof" he nods and I walk back to Sitwell and Steve. We pull him inside and take the elevator to the top floor. Then we take the stairs to the roof and push him to the ground. "Tell me about Zola's algorithm." Steve says walking towards him and I follow close behind.

"Never heard of it" Sitwell says.

"What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?" Steve asks.

"I was throwing up, I get seasick." he responds as he hits the ledge and Steve grabs him by the collar of his shirt. He smirks at Steve and says, "Is this little display supposed to say your gonna throw me off the roof? 'Cause it's really not your style, Rogers."

"Your right it's not." he begins to say letting him go and patting his suit down. My turn to kick his ass, "It's hers" when he says that, he moves out of the way and I kick Sitwell off of the ledge.

As we hear him scream I ask Steve, "So, what do you wanna do after this?"

"I don't know. I'll make a decision and tell you later" he responds.

After that, we see Sam fly up with the suit, carrying Sitwell. Sam drops Sitwell behind us on the floor and lands and we see the wings contract. We walk towards Sitwell who looks scared and he puts his hand up and says, "Zola's algorithm is a program! For choosing insight targets". "What targets?" Steve asks him. "You!" he begins to say panting and he lists a bunch of other things that could be a threat to Hydra now or in the future.

"Future? How could it know?" Steve asks and I turn to look at him.

Sitwell chuckles and says, "How could it not!" I stare at him again with a serious face and he gets up, "The 21st Century is a digital book. Zola taught Hydra how read it. Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores! Zola's algorithm evaluates peoples past to predict their future."

"And what then?" I ask.

"Oh my God, Pierce is gonna kill me." he mutters.

"What then!?" Steve says taking a step closer to him and Sam holds him from his collar to keep him in place and lets go.

Sitwell stares at us and says, "Then the insight helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time."

Steve, Sam, and I look at Sitwell shocked at what that algorithm can do. But that pushes us even harder to stop the algorithm from being launched. "Your coming with us" Steve says dragging Sitwell by his arm down the stairs and into the elevator. Both Sam and I followed closely behind him and we walked to the car. "Get in. Were gonna try to stop this algorithm" Steve says to us and we obey. I get in the back seat with Sitwell and Steve rides the passenger seat with Sam driving. We drive along the road and onto the freeway with Sitwell still looking scared.

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