Chapter 13

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I went to the hospital with Sam and we walked in through the automatic doors. We walked up to the receptionist and I said, "Hi, can you tell me where Steve Rogers is staying". She types something on the computer and then looks up at me, "He's staying in room 302" she says to me. "Thanks" Sam replies and we walk over to the room. I see the room and walk in with Sam close behind me. We both see Steve on the bed sleeping soundly and I look back at Sam. "He looks so peaceful" I say staring back at Steve and cross my arms. "He does, doesn't he" Sam replies standing next to me.

"I just wish he was awake." I say.

"I know, but all we can do is wait" he replies and puts his phone on the portable speaker playing the Trouble man soundtrack.

I laugh and he looks at me with a confused look, "What? What's so funny?" he says. "Really, the Trouble man soundtrack" I say looking at him with a smile. "It's an 80's classic, and I recommended it to him" he says to me and I look back at an unconscious Steve. Sam sits on his right and I sit on his left looking at him, just waiting for him to wake up. My stomach grumbles and I look over to Sam, "You want something to eat? We might be here a while" I say to him. "Sure, why not. Just get me a coffee and a croissant" he says to me and I nod and leave for the cafeteria.

When I get to the cafeteria I order a iced chai tea latte, a chocolate muffin, and Sam's things. I walk back to Steve's room and hand Sam his coffee and croissant and I drink my tea and eat my muffin. When we finished our food and drinks, we both throw it away and sit again, just listening to the music. Sam looks down and I do the same just waiting for Steve to wake up. "On your left" I hear a voice say and turn to Steve's bed and Sam smiles. I smile too and I look at Steve. "Yeah, your on my left, but look to your left" Sam says to Steve and he turns to me and I smile wide and giggle. "Hey" I say to him and he smiles too. "Hey" he says to me and sticks out his arm. I grab his hand and he looks at me, "What happened?" he asks me.

"You fell out of the carrier and landed in the ocean, I saw it. You didn't swim up, I was gonna go after you but someone else did." I begin to say.

"Bucky." he says and I nod.

"He dragged you to shore where I was standing. He saved you, Steve, he remembered you."

He smiles and says, "I knew he would" and chuckles a little. "You had me worried, Steve Rogers" I tell him with a sad expression on my face. "I'm sorry" he said pulling my arm so I would get closer. "Sorry won't cut it" I say to him my eyebrows furrowing as he continues pulling on my arm. "I'm sorry" he says again and our faces getting closer and closer. "You had me worried" I say again just staring at his blue eyes. "I'm sorry" he whispers and our lips connected. I never pulled back instead I smiled in the kiss and so did he, "Get a room, you two" we hear Sam say and I lift my left hand and raise my middle finger flipping him off while me and Steve kiss. Steve pulls back and stares at my hand and chuckles as he says, "Language". "I didn't say it, I motioned it. 'Cause I was kissing you" I reply putting my hand down and looking at him with a smile. "Your face was bruised badly. Your eye was swollen shut and your cheekbone is bruised" I say to him. "Do I look bad?" he asks looking at me. "No, but it's nothing a little healing can't fix" I say to him and he smiles.

"Ok, do it" he says.

"I meant natural healing. Natural healing is better than my healing powers" I reply.

"Well, I'm hungry though. Can you get me my food" he says and I giggle. I bring the food table with my telekinesis and he sees his food. He digs in and both Sam and I watch him eat. When he's finished he looks at both me and Sam and asks, "Where are the others?". I look at him and respond, "Natasha was called into the supreme court today and she has an interview with them, Nick is hiding, and Hill is applying for a job with Tony". He looks down and nods, "So that's it. That's the end of S.H.I.EL.D. as we know it." he says looking down. "Hey, it's not over. You still have the Avengers. I don't have anything." I say to him. He looks at me and grabs my hand, "You don't have to go, you know. You can be a part of the Avengers too." he says staring at me with his blue eyes.

I smile at him and look down, "Thanks, Steve, but there's still a matter of getting a job and finding a place to live" I respond to him. He looks at me with his blue eyes and says, "It's ok. You can come to New York, with me". I look at him and smile, "I guess I can apply for Stark and fight with you and the other Avengers" I respond and he smiles. "And what about me?" Sam asks looking at us and me and Steve laugh. "Your place is still intact, but if you wanna move closer there's always Brooklyn" I say to him. "Maybe" he says and I giggle and look back at Steve. "I could find a place at NYC" I say to Steve and he smiled at me. "That's all I was asking for" he says and I blush and look away.


Steve stayed in the hospital for at least 2 weeks and he's healed incredibly fast, "Hey, Steve" I say and smile as I walk into his room. The bullet holes on his leg and stomach healed, the bruise on his face was gone, the swelling on his cheek bone dimmed down, and the cut on his cheek healed. "Hey, Bree" he says and smiles back looking at me. "I brought you something" I say to him as I hide something behind my back. "Show it to me" he says sticking his arms out at me. "Close your eyes" I say to him and he obeys and shuts his eyes. I pull out an old 1940's picture of him and Bucky and I walk over to him. "Ok, open them" I say and show him the picture of him and Bucky smiling. "I found it in one of your files and I'd thought you'd like to see it" I say and he grabs the picture out of my hands and smiles. "Do you miss living in that era?" I ask him looking at his face. "Yeah, but if I stayed in that era, I wouldn't have met you" he says and I smile, blush, and look away. He lifts my chin and stares at me and smiles.

I look into his blue eyes and get lost in them, and his structure on his face. His nose was narrow, and his eyebrows were thick and bushy. His eyes were an almond shape with those clear blue eyes of his. I especially like that he doesn't let his beard grow out. But what I really like is that his lips were shaped in a unique way, and the way they feel against mine. Steve leans in and I lean in too and our lips meet in the middle. My lips move in sync with his and he pulls me so I'm sitting on top of his lap and we keep kissing. We pull apart and he puts his forehead against mine. "I love you" he says to me our breaths in sync. "I love you too" I say to him and smile and we kiss again.

I sit next to him on the bed with our hands together and our fingers intertwined. I look at our intertwined hands and Steve looks at me. "When are you getting out?" I ask him looking into his eyes. "Tomorrow" he responds to me. I nod and look back at our hands again, Steve keeps staring at me and I blush at his stare. "When I get out of here meet me at Fury's "grave"" he says to me and I look at him and nod. "Sure, I'll meet you there" I say and he pecks my lips with a smile. I smile at him and look back down blushing then the door opens and I see Sam walk in with balloons that say 'Get Well Soon' I giggle and shake my head. "I didn't know you were here" he says to me looking at me wide eyed. "Yeah, I was, but I think I gave him a better gift than yours, Falcon" I say to him with a smile. "Let me see it" he says and Steve gives him the picture of him and Bucky. "Ok, Athena, you beat me" Sam says and I giggle again looking at him lift his hands in surrender. "So, what do we do after this?" Sam asks and I stare at Steve having no clue myself. "I have no clue," he begins to say, "but I know that what I do next won't be without you" he says to me and I smile.

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