Chapter 14

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*Steve's POV*

I woke up with Breena next to me in the bed. I had forgot she was here all day yesterday but I thought she would've left. But I liked that she stayed with me all night. Today's the day I get out of the hospital. I was happy that I could get out of here and back into the world. "Morning, Captain" I hear Breena's voice say next to me. I turn to her and I smile, "Morning, agent" I say back to her and she turns her body to face me. I do the same and drape my arm around her waist. "So, what time do you get out of here?" she asks me with a smile on her face. "Right now" I say and her smile grows wider. "Good, 'cause we really need to do something when we get out" she says and I nod.

The nurse came in and picked up after us. Breena had brought in some clothes from my place which is weird considering I never gave her the keys. "How'd you get in my apartment?" I ask her and she turns to face me. "Here's a clue, never leave your key under a mat. It's the first place robbers look" she says and I chuckle. "Note taken" I say to her chuckling and she smiles at me. I put the clothes on and we leave the hospital. "How'd you get here?" I ask looking at her and she smirks, I know what she was gonna do. She stuck her arm out so I could grab her hand, and I did. Then we teleport out of here and land in my apartment.

"You wanna rest a little while more?" Breena asks me. I look at her and say, "I think I've rested enough. Let's get out of here" I say sticking out my hand for her to grab it. She grabs my hand and I run out the door and Breena closes it. "Where are we going, Steve?" Bree asks as she laughs and runs with me pulling her. "A little surprise" I say stopping and turning to her, "Your going a little too slow for me". "Well not all of us can be super soldiers" she says shaking her head with a smile. "No, but I have an idea" I say and pick her up carrying her over my shoulder and run again. I ran with Breena laughing and screaming to put her down. "Put me down, Rogers" she screams again as I run with her. "No way, Garcia" I say to her.

When we get to the cemetery, I put Breena down and she laughs. "That was fun" she says to me as she laughs. "So, you want me to do it again?" I ask her and pick her up putting her on my shoulder without her confirmation. "Steve," she says laughing, "put me down". I laugh and put her down and she looks at me and laughs too. I look at her and smile and lean in to her. She leans in too but instead of our lips connecting, she pecks me on the cheek. I look at her with a frown and she laughs, "Your gonna have to catch me for that kiss, Captain" she says and runs into the cemetery. I smile and run after her as she runs around the graves. I manage to catch up to her and catch her. I pick her up spinning and we laugh together. As I put her down, she continues to laugh and she turns to face me, "Ok, you caught me" she says giggling. "Yeah, and I think you owe me something" I say to her with a smile. "Yeah, I know" she says with a smile and pecks me on the lips.

I look at her and say, "That wasn't a real one". She looks at me and pouts, "Well the girl isn't the one that does the kissing" she says and I smile widely. I lean in and our lips touch the fireworks were coming back. "Ok, you two can pull apart now" we hear a voice say and I pull away from Breena and look to see Sam walking up to us. "Damn you, Wilson" Bree says to him with a mad face. "Make me, Garcia" he says as he walks toward us. She pushes him back slightly with her telekinesis and he falls on his back. We both laugh and he says, "Ha, ha, ha, very funny".

We walk over to Nick's grave and look down at it. It was pretty weird to see that he has a gravestone here. I look at the gravestone and holding Breena's hand. Bree was looking at the gravestone too then we hear a voice behind us, "So, you've experienced this sort of thing before". We turn to see Fury walking up to us, "You get used to it" I say to him as he stares at the gravestone. "We've been mining Hydra's files. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship" Fury says to me and I stare at him with a serious face. "I'm headed to Europe tonight. Wanted to ask if you'd come." he says again and I stare at the gravestone and Bree stares at me. "There's something I gotta do first" I tell him and he looks at Bree. "I'm just going where ever he goes" she says to Fury looking at me and he nods and looks at Sam. "How about you, Wilson? We could use a man with your abilities" Fury says to Sam and he looks at both me and Bree. "I'm more of a soldier than a spy" he replies to Fury and he looks at the three of us. "Alright then" he says and sticks his arm out so we could shake it. Then he hugs Bree and when he shakes my hand he tells me, "If anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me right here" he says nodding to the gravestone.

"You should be honored, that's as close as he gets to saying thank you" Bree says as Fury walks away, "Nat!". We turn to see Natasha walking towards us with a cream colored folder. "Not going with him?" I ask her as she hugs Bree and looks at me. "No" she responds smiling as she pulls away from Bree's hug. "Not staying here." I say and she looks to her right. "I blew all my covers I gotta go figure out a new one" she says. "It's gonna take a while" Bree says to Natasha looking at her with a smirk. "I'm counting on it" Natasha says with a smile to both me and Breena. "That thing that you asked for. Called in a few favors from Kiev" she says handing me the folder and Bree walks over to me. I had told Natasha to find the file I had needed to know how Bucky survived. "Will you do me a favor, and take care of this girl" she says looking at Breena. Breena smiles and looks at me, "You know I will" I reply to her with a smile. She starts to walk away and she says, "Be careful, Steve. Might not wanna pull on that thread". I look at her with a serious face and open the folder, "See ya around, Widow" Bree yells. "See ya around, Athena" Natasha yells back as she leaves and Breena looks at the file. Sam comes behind us and looks at the file and says, "You're going after him". "You don't have to come with me, both of you." I say to both Breena and Sam. "I know" Breena says with a smirk and looks at me. "When do we start?" Sam asks me with a serious tone in his voice. "How about tomorrow. 'Cause I wanna take this one out" I say looking at Breena.

"Nothing cheesy" Breena says to me with a smile.

"Nothing cheesy, promise" I say to her and I grab her hand and we leave Sam behind.

"Bye, Wilson, see you tomorrow" Bree yells waving.

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