SUAW Olympics: First meeting

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Prompt: Two characters meet for the first time. They can be friends or more than friends or whatever you want them to be. The catch is they can't meet at work, at school (including uni), at home, or online. So where do they meet? Be unique.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

Both Nageth and his apprentice, Fai, were working in the dragon stable. It beat working in the desert's midday heat—they had a thatched roof above their heads here—but it was still hot. Hot enough for Fai to nearly collapse against the table as he watched his mentor tend to his dragon's saddle, seemingly undisturbed by the heat.

That was when Fai heard humming, causing him to stand fully and look around. At the entrance was a girl in her teens with deep bronze skin and thick, dark hair. She wore a colorful variety of fabrics of pink, orange, and turquoise that left her shoulders and midsection bare. Nothing too unusual within Sa'aremak, but it was how much gold and silver adorned her. Bracelets, anklets, necklaces, and even a pair of mismatched earrings.

And she was staring directly at Nageth.

Fai carefully stepped around the table, not taking his eyes off the girl, and nudged his mentor.

"Mentor, wasn't she one of the travelers standing in the back during today's talk?"

"Hm?" Nageth looked up to the entrance. "I believe so."

Thinking nothing of it, Nageth smiled and waved to her. The girl smiled back and began to approach. Fai almost stopped her, remembering that no one besides Dragonmages was allowed in the stable due to safety. Dragons were still dangerous creatures when disturbed, and it was even worse if someone tried mounting them who wasn't their rider. Fai glanced at his mentor, silently asking if this was ok. Nageth waved off his concern.

"We're here if anything happens." He moved towards the girl, choosing to meet her halfway instead of making her walk the distance. A set of footsteps sounded behind him, signaling that Fai had followed. He switched to Rakshu as he addressed the girl. "Little maiden, is there something you need help with?"

It was common for people to approach him throughout the day, each having questions about what he had said that day or days prior. So, Nageth was none the wiser as he assumed the girl wanted the same. Oh, how wrong he was, as the girl gave him an almost knowing smile.

"I am not a little maid, but a fully grown one." She gave Nageth a polite bow, and her dialect was not one Fai had heard of. "My name is Ania of the Rasek, and I have turned sixteen. However, that is too old for a parentless woman like me, so my tribe has been trying to marry me off for years. Every suitor I have rejected, because they do not suit my taste. I will not be silent for a man who resents my questions. So, I have decided to extend a proposal to you, Teacher."

Fai's mouth dropped open in shock. His Rakshu may not have been as good as his mentors, but did she just...he risked a glance at his mentor, only to find that Nageth was just as stunned as he was.

"...Pardon, but I don't think I'm following your line of thought," Nageth said.

"I am asking you to marry me."

Fai didn't know if he wanted to laugh or scream, his eyes as wide as saucers. From the two years he had been with his mentor, he had witnessed countless shy interactions between his mentor—a tall, handsome blonde—and various maidens of all backgrounds. But never to this degree. Ania continued on as if what she was asking wasn't unordinary when neither of them responded.

"I understand if you find this an odd request, and you may think I am too young according to your culture. However, according to Sa'aremakian laws, a person is deemed an adult when they turn sixteen, such as I. You would be doing nothing wrong, then, for taking me in union." She paused, frowning when she finally noticed that Nageth hadn't even twitched for the last minute. "Or is there something more that would prevent this? You wear no rings—you wear a ring when married in your culture, correct?—so I assumed you are unwed like myself."

Nageth seemed to recover marginally, having been presented with a question. "No, I'm not married—um, yes, it's more—it's more complicated than that. Even if you are considered of age, there's...well, I supposed that doesn't matter here in a cultural sense, uh..." He cleared his throat, trying to think of something that would placate her. "There is the issue of me being your teacher and you being my student if you plan on...uh...continuing my classes."

Ania tilted her head, confused. "But there are women there who are much older than me, and even older than you. I already said, my age is no longer an issue by law."

It's my age that's the problem! I'm almost a decade older than you! Nageth internally screamed.

"You're right, it's technically not, but there's still laws preventing teachers and students...courting. N-Not that I'm saying you need to stop attending my classes! Please, I'd much rather you focused on expanding your knowledge than, uh, me. Yes, let's focus on that first."

A light of understanding suddenly flashed through Ania's eyes, and she nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, that makes sense! How could I focus on my knowledge if I am too focused on a future husband?"

"Yes, uh...that is precisely why I cannot accept your proposal," Nageth replied weakly.

She gave another decisive nod. "Then I will focus and learn everything you teach me. My tribe will be staying in Tekanlab for the hottest months before moving on, so I will ask you again then. Or maybe next year in case I still want to learn. Will you be here next year?"

"Yes," Nageth said automatically as if everything before hadn't just happened. By this point, he was functioning on procedural memory. "I'm here every summer when not teaching at another school."

"Then I will ask you again next year. Thank you, Teacher, for enlightening this student! I will see you tomorrow."

With that, she left as quickly as she came.

Both men stared after her, utterly floored at what had just happened, before slowly turning to look at each other. Nageth was the first to speak.

"...What just happened?"

Fai wheezed so hard, he teared up and began to cough.

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