Issue #21

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Darkness... It was all that had surrounded me. The last thing I remember was that weird ooze climbing and attaching itself to my person...

My heart was racing, my spider sense was going crazy, my adrenaline was rushing, all of them combined was giving a terribly painful headache... It reminded me of a nightmare I had. Were the night reached down and ripped me from my suit and swallowed me whole...

Despite how overwhelmed I felt, I opened my eyes and... realized I was hanging upside down. I was hanging from a web and strung upside down, staring at my own reflection...

My... M-My suit... The ooze.. It bonded to me and my suit and changed it. Completely... It feels amazing!

With the new found adrenaline, I leaped onto the window of the building, taking in the way the ooze had changed my suit... The eyes no longer had the black outline. Now they were sharper and a pure reflective white. The suit was a deep black that seemed to be tightly bonded toward the material of my original outfit. And the symbol was now a giant white spider that connected under the arms with another symbol on my back.

I leaped off of the window, breaking off bits of glass as I back flipped and tried to shoot a line of webbing out to swing.

Until I noticed that my hands had white squares on them... Suddenly my wrist twisted slightly and fired out a line of webbing from the white patch on my hand.

"Woah! Wait, wh-WOAH!" I yelped as the webbing swung me along. How is this happening? I don't have my webshooters. Did the ooze do that? How did it know to do that? And the suit, when did it get to me? When I stopped Black Cat? Did the ooze wait until I finally noticed it?

So many thoughts ran through my head as I swung, allowing myself to swing along the many cars. I was so fast, even the cars that were driving were just blurs! Are the webs the suit make stronger than my own formula? But how?!

Before anything else could be questioned, A thought occured into my head... The ooze is giving me these abilities.. Is it really so bad to just.. enjoy it? Let's just try this new suit out for the night and see what it can do... 

I balled my hands into fists and fired more webs to launch myself even faster, propelling myself into the air at an insane speed. I feel faster... I feel more agile, more... aware. Did the ooze enhance my powers? Let's find out...

In due time, I landed in a vacant construction site. Given how late it was, I knew that nobody was here.

Unlike me, everyone else has a life.

My eyes immediately fell toward the several construction beams that piled on top of each other. I've only ever been able to carry one or two at most, which I always considered impressive given how one can weigh around 400Ibs...

After picking a few good ones, I grabbed onto one of them an used my spider strength to try and lift it. Though it took some effort, I had actually... managed to lift it...

"Woah.." I awed. I reached down and repeated the process, now lifting two construction beams over my head...

I spent awhile testing my new found strength. It seems this Ooze did improve my strength... In fact, it improved all of my powers! By a lot! Maybe.. Maybe I should keep it.. I mean, It'd definitely help with saving the city...

Yeah... Maybe it's for the best that I don't return it to Oscorp... To (YN)...

(YN)? Why am I thinking of him now? I got the cool new suit. Maybe.. would he like it? I dropped the few construction beams to the ground and swung up to a spot where I could get a reflection. Given how I'm in New York, it wasn't that hard.

I latched onto the window and tried to get a better look at the suit. Compared to my classic "pajamas", this suit definitely clung to my body... I mean, I could see my own muscles when I flex a little. Is that weird?

I never took a moment to look at myself but... Dang. Nice. Nevermind that the suit looks like a Deathmetal album cover of the classic, this could work... I could definitely keep this look for awhile. A long while. Maybe when I get home, I could-

Home... HOME! AUNT MAY, I JUST DITCHED HER!!! Agh, How am I gonna explain this?! Just randomly vanishing and coming back at-wait, what time is it? It's a school night! UGH! For once I'd like to NOT BE LATE!

I groaned and swung my way back home... Aunt May is gonna yell my ear off for this. Maybe Ned can help cover for me again...


I quickly landed in front of my house and realized a massive problem... I.. I wasn't wearing anything under the suit.. I look everything off because I was gonna do laundry! Think, Gotta think.. maybe I could sneak upstairs..? Maybe.

I climbed up and peeked through my window... My light was still on.. I guess Aunt May didn't check up on me. That's a relief... I slowly opened my window and snuck in.

Now... How am I gonna address the suit itself? I grabbed the mask portion of it and tried to pry it off, much to its apparent resistance. Before I could even panic, the ooze began to change shape and color, shifting into a large shirt and shorts...

"You.. You can change clothes too? How did I ever live without you.." I chuckled. Maybe this could be a new step. This ooze, it could be the Shield to my Captain America! The Armor to my Ironman! Mj-hour-near... Mi-Hole-... The Jonathan to my Thor!

I picked up the basket of laundry that I had left behind and carried them over to the laundry room. When Aunt May asked me what I was doing, I said that I was changing and trying to figure out to better send photos to the Bugle in my room. Luckily she didn't pry much more, as she had been down stairs the whole time making dinner.

A kick start on rent, New job, New ooze suit, AND I get to come home to an awesome Aunt with food on the way? Where has THIS Parker luck been all my life!

Responsibility: Spider-Girl x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now