Issue #4

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"Have the rest of chapter one done by tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen" Mr. Warren advised. Several students in the biology class let out a low groan, clearly displeased with the idea of already having assignments to do. Given how it had been a few days since the school year began, the process had to start sooner or later...

(YN) nodded to himself, comparing his notes to the white board to see if he was missing anything. Once he concluded that he was caught up, he began to put his several things into his bag. Preparing to leave the classroom, his attention was primarily focused on his grade on the recent assignments he had been struggling with, and so he left the room and failed to hear the teacher call for Ms. Parker, who had only just began to pack.

"Ms. Parker, I'd like a word with you."

"O-Oh, yeah? What's up?"

"Do you happen to remember a field trip we took during your first year? As a class, we all went to the lab of one Dr. Curt Conners. At Oscorp?"

Penny took a brief pause, looking down at what seemed to be some sort of marking on her hand before she smiled and nodded.

"Yeah... That's a field trip I'll never forget."

"I'm glad you feel that way. Because he is promising an internship to a promising high schooler. I recommended my star pupil. You start later this afternoon." Mr. Warren smiled. Penny smiled happily and rubbed her hand briefly before she returned to packing her things up. She decided to let Ned and MJ know that she may be a bit busy with the internship, which earned her some congrats on the recognition... even if MJ called her a nerd in the process.


"Hello Dr. Octavius... Mr. Osborn" (YN) sighed, still trying to compare his several notes with the test results he had in hand. All this process did was stir up a storm in his head, making him ruffle up his hair. Two gentlemen walked into the lab, earning the attention of everyone in the lab.

Norman Osborn, head of Oscorp and the one with the wallet and brains to fund the several branches of research put into his company. Something that was lesser known was his relationship with (YN)...

The other, a much shorter man was one Dr. Otto Octavius. Widely considered to be Norman's right hand, leading several of the research branches within Oscorp. Though he was soft spoken and reclusive, Dr. Octavius earned his position in Oscorp through hard work and dedication.

Both men walked into the lab, with Osborn only noticing (YN)'s lack luster grades. As per usual, he was unimpressed. Otto attempted to give the boy some kind words of encouragement, but couldn't muster them up in time before he and to follow Norman, who was approaching Dr. Conners with his usual stern demeanor.

"Dr. Conners. It's my understanding that you have chosen to take an intern into your lab. For what purpose could there be to allow a child into my lab?" Osborn asked. Conners took a small break from his inspection on DNA splicing and faced Osborn with a neutral expression.

"Well now that (YN) here is busier with school, I decided to take on another intern so that tasks and research could go by smoothly, sir." Conners answered.

"From his grades, the boy might as well drop out." Norman sighed. Turning away, Obsorn approached old studies that Conners had done in his lab without him knowing. Raising a brow, Norman chose to prod at this curious topic...

Tapping on the papers to gather his attention, Otto took an excerpt of the research and adjusted his glasses to understand what the paper was about. "I don't recall approving of any side projects, Conners. First you fail to choose a proper intern, so much so that you decide to allow another child into this lab, then you conduct research without the due process? For what reason?" Norman chided, crumbling a bit of the research paper into his hand before dropping it to the ground.

Responsibility: Spider-Girl x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now