Chapter VIII - Pre-finale

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Right after Raine had told Eda the plan, a Coven scout walked in and threw Eda in handcuffs. eda stayed quiet, and let the scout take her away.
"Remember the plan.." Raine mouthed to Eda.
She nodded, and the scout dragged her to a different cell.
Another scout came in to retrieve Raine. The scout was about to grab them, but before he could, Raine summoned (??) their violin, and played the highest note they could. Immediately putting the scout to sleep.

Before any other scouts could come, they made a run for it. They ran to the cell they were holding Eda in.

Raine gave Eda the mandolin, and Eda looked down at it in her hands..
Raine sighed, "I'm starting to regret making this plan... What if... What if you get hurt!..."
"Don't worry, Rainestorm! If I get hurt, at least you'll be safe. I said already, I don't care what happens to me.. As long as they don't hurt you." Eda reassured.
"But, I-.." Raine was interrupted by the sound of an alarm, and Eda's cell started rising towards the roof, where the petrification was gonna happen.
"Go!!... Get to your spot, quick!.." Eda yelled, sort of panicking.
"But you-.. I-.." Raine hesitated.
"Now!!!" Eda demanded.
Raine nodded. They teared up, and ran as fast as they could to the roof, and hid behind a wall, out of sight.

• • •

"We gather here today for the petrification of Eda the Owl Lady." Darius announced to the Isles, "Punishment for not joining a Coven, and for interacting with the heir to head of the Bard Coven. Let the petrification begin."

Suddenly, soft violin music could be heard. From where? Only Eda knows...
Eda took a deep breath, grabbed her mandolin, and on her part, started playing along with Raine.
The two started playing a duet of Raine's Rhapsody. Raine stepped into Eda's sight, as the music of the duet broke open the cell Eda was in.
Raine started to tear up, as Eda's curse started to warp the magic around them. The magical deterioration (don't ask why I called it that, idk💀) started slowly climbing up Eda's body, but the two played on.
Darius tried to attack, to stop them, but he was also being effected, and couldn't move.
The deterioration of Eda's curse started climbing up the second half of her body, and she fell to her knees, unable to stand.
"Eda!!" Raine immediately ran to her and fell down next to her, tearing up.
"Raine... Keep playing! What are you doing?!"
"Eda, you're gonna get yourself killed, stop!!"
"Trust me, Rainestorm.." Eda said softly, deterioration climbing up her neck by now, still playing, "This is best for both of us!... You kept pushing me away, clearly telling me you didn't wanna be with me. We barely see each other anymore, and a covenless witch being with the heir to head Bard?.. Hah! Obscene!.." Eda teared up, "Since, this is the only way to not get you hurt. It's to keep you safe, after all."
Eda continued to play on her mandolin.

But Raine was too late. The deterioration had reached all over Eda's body.
"EDA, STOP! I-.. I still love you!! I never stopped!! You've.." Raine started to cry, "You've always been a huge part of my life!!!"
Raine kissed Eda on the lips one last time. Weakly, Eda kissed them back..
"Goodbye, Rainestorm.. I'm so happy I met you."
And with that, Eda faded away.

All the memories they had together, all of it. All of it started playing through Raine's head as Eda disappeared.
"no... No, NO NO!! DAMN IT, EDA!!.."
Raine's gaze slowly moved towards Darius.
"You... None of this would have happened if it weren't for you.."
Raine clenched their teeth in anger, and summoned (?? that word still doesn't feel right lmao) their violin.
"Eda's gone.. DEAD!! BECAUSE OF YOU! ARE YOU HAPPY?.." Tears quickly fell down Raines face, "Are you fucking happy..?! You got what you wanted.. But I won't let you take anything else."

Raine clutched their violin bow tightly, hand shaking, and played a super high pitched, almost white-noise, note.
Bang. Darius fell immediately unconscious to the ground.
But.. Something wasn't right..

Raine turned around to the audience.. They had accidentally knocked everyone out.

"Oh no... What have I done.."

~ The Embrace Of Your Song ~ 「A young raeda fanfic」(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now