A Summer Romance: Chapter 5

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“Good morning, sunshine!”

“Go away,” I mumbled to whoever was standing over me. I was one hundred percent sure it was Belle.

“Isabelle Marie Martin, leave me alone!”

“But it is thirty-one degrees Celsius outside,” she informed me, sounding a lot like the channel six weatherman, “perfect temperature for going to the mall!”

“No way! I wanna sleep!” I cried childishly.

“I need a shopping buddy! Victoria can’t go because she already y has plans and you’re the only person I have left!”

“Why do I have to go?”

“Because you have nothing else to do.”

“How are you so sure?” I bluffed, sitting up, “I could have plans too you know.”

“Please?” she continued, sniffing audibly.

“Fine, but first I’m going to take a nice, long bath.”

“Okay! But don’t make it too long.”

“Belle, you are the nicest sister anyone could ever hope for but sometimes you can be quite obnoxious.”

“I’m sorry. Now come on! We’ve got the mall to go to!”

I sighed as I reluctantly got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. What did I have to do to get to sleep in late? Maybe I’d have to go to another house far away from the rest of the family. Especially Belle.

My bath was a little over three minutes and for the next five minutes, I was ready and downstairs.

“I love the fashion statement,” Belle critiqued, “the white, embroidered top goes perfectly with the plain black jeans. I also love the twinkling butterfly in your hair; it just screams ‘Innocence’!”

“Belle, how are we getting to the mall?” I asked, deciding to ignore her views on my hurriedly-put-together outfit.

“Scott’s waiting for us outside.”

As I walked outside, I saw the shiny red convertible parked in the clearing.

“Good morning, Scott,” I said politely to the convertible’s driver.

“ ‘ Morning, Amy. ‘ morning, Belle,” Scott replied, smiling widely.

“Good morning, Scott,” Belle said in a sing-song voice, “do you want to sit in front, Amy?”

“No thanks, I’m good in the back.”

The top of the convertible was down which meant that the wind was whipping my hair all about.

“How far is the mall?” I asked Scott over the whistling wind.

“It’s in the next town. We’ll be there in no time.”

That seemed possible ‘cause Scott drove like a maniac.

For most of the journey, Belle hardly talked to me. She was probably too busy flirting with Scott and that made me suspicious.

‘R u and Scott a couple??’ I texted her.

‘No. R  u and Taylor a couple?’

‘What? NO!’ I sort of wished we were.

‘Good. Don’t ask me any more questions.’

And that was the end of our phone conversation. Thankfully, my phone made no noise at that time for incoming text messages. I think I’d turn off the sound  the day before we got to Grandma’s when I couldn’t sleep. I hope Scott didn’t get suspicious.

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