A Summer Romance : Chapter 4

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Can I just say before you guys start reading how much I love Chris Colfer? He's so adorable and so, so funny! Okay I'll stop now before I go on and on and you won't be able to read. I updated as fast as possible and I'll try to get the next chapter up depending on how my time goes. Enjoy! :]


"Are you sure you're not coming?" Belle asked from the front seat of a blue convertible.

 "Goodbye, Belle. Have a nice time, okay?"

 "Amy! It won't be the same without you."

 "Please take her away, Scott."

 "Will do," Scott said, smiling, "you take care of yourself." And with that, the convertible was gone.

I went back inside, only to walk into my mother.

"Amy, what are you doing here?" she asked while trying to fit an envelope into her already cluttered handbag.

 "Belle and Victoria have gone to Sunset Beach and I'm going to stay here and watch T.V.," I answered, helping her fit the envelope.

 "Thank you. Well I hope you have fun. Your father and I are going to the Benson's house."

 "Where are Grandma and Grandpa?"

 "Your grandparents are in the back garden planting vegetables. I'll see you later, dear," my mom said, kissing my forehead, "I'm sure your father's waiting for me outside."

 I went into the living room and switched on the T.V., flipping through channels at random. When I had finally decided on a show I heard a car from somewhere outside but I didn't bother to get up. I was sure my parents didn't come back so soon unless they'd forgotten something. I focused on the show when someone knocked on the front door. I got up and went to see who was there, not thinking about who it could be. It could have been a murderer or some stalker but I was feeling so lonely I guess it didn't matter to me then. It did surprise me to see who it was, though.

Standing in the doorway was Taylor. His brown hair was shining in the brilliant sun and his top matched the shiny black car behind him.

 "Hi?" I said both as a greeting and question.

 "Hey," he said smiling, "I know this is sort of last minute but I was just wondering if you'd like to go to Sunset Beach with me. I was supposed to ask you last night but I guess it slipped out of my mind. You aren't doing anything are you?"

 "Actually, I was watching T.V. but I'd love to come with you!"

 We stood there staring at each other and as each second passed I became increasingly self-conscious of the over sized shirt I was wearing.

 "Would you give me a minute to get some things, I'll be right back."

 I turned and ran up the stairs to my room, tripping once or twice. Thankfully, I stumbled in my room where Taylor couldn't see in my haste to get things in order. I was already wearing a black three-quarter jeans and I decided to keep those on but I switched my shirt for a purple short sleeved top, bearing in mind that the beach was bound to be hot and dry.

 I dumped a towel into a purple beach bag though I knew I probably wouldn't use it, some sunscreen lotion and an extra top and shorts. I flew back downstairs where Taylor was still waiting.

 "Ready," I said almost breathlessly.

 I walked behind him to the car where he opened the door in a very gentlemanly manner for me. In no time, we were heading south towards Sunset Beach.

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