It's called father-son time, not father-SONS time...

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I put my sketchbook on the desk since I didn't feel like drawing anymore. I laid down on my bed, putting my hands on my chest. I turned to Poison Mushroom who was shoving all their shroomies in their drawer. I could see the drawer was filled to the brim. They haven't given out their shroomies in a while since literally no one, except me, wanted them. I could ask to take them, but I'm not eating all that. Poison Mushroom tends to fill up the drawer frequently, so even if I took my time to eat them, the drawer would still be ridiculously filled to the brim. They might as well just buy another drawer at this point since the one they were currently using looked like it would spontaneously combust soon.

I then heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I looked to see who it was. It was Licorice heading off to his room. I didn't pay much mind since the thought about Poison Mushroom's drawer was the most of my concern. I looked at Poison Mushroom again. They looked kinda sad. It was probably because they too knew that the overfilled drawer was a problem, but they didn't know what to do with them, since they had no one (but me) to share them with. Poison Mushroom didn't have many friends, like myself. There's one friend they were very close with, though. Her name was Onion Cookie. Poison Mushroom told me that she used to be a ghost, but was resurrected. I asked how, but they apparently forgot, so I just assumed it was just some tall tale they told me. Anyway, not even Onion wanted the shroomies. I witnessed her trying one before, and it was an ugly sight. She was gagging, tearing up, struggling to stay on her feet and so on. She ended up puking it out and Poison Mushroom felt really bad. I didn't feel bad for her though. Her reaction was very overdramatic. The shroomies aren't even that bad. I didn't like Onion, but I never knew why. Something about her just pissed me off.

I heard a knock on my wall and turned around. "Nemesia, I'm going to the store, wanna come with me?" Licorice asked. I got up off the bed and nodded. I liked going to the store with Licorice. Other cookies would find it boring, since it's not the most exciting thing, but I enjoyed going shopping with my father. I especially liked putting things in the tote he carries, that was kinda fun. Before we could leave out the room, Poison Mushroom asked "can I come tooooo...?" I didn't want them to come with us. This was father-son time, not father-sons time. I crossed my fingers, hoping he would say no. Maybe convince them to spend time with Clover instead, but no. Instead, he said "Alright, sure, just don't wander off like you usual do, please stay right by my side, okay?" Poison Mushroom nodded and waddled toward us. I felt mad. I wanted to scream at my brother and tell them to stay here and that they don't deserve to go with us, but I calmed myself down, since I knew what happens when I get angry. I decided to suck it up and accept the fact that they were coming with us.

When we were downstairs, I stood next to Poison Mushroom, waiting for Licorice to be ready to leave out. I was still upset about them having to come with us. It was always just me and my father, never with Poison Mushroom or anyone else. It didn't feel fair to me. I looked up at my father, watching him give Clover a quick kiss on the cheek and then fixing the tote on his shoulder. "You two ready?" he asked us. We both nodded, although, I didn't feel ready.

As we were walking down the sidewalk, I held my father's hand tight. He said this trip would be really quick since all he was fetching was some thread and other stuff like that. He desperately wanted to become a seamstress. I've watched him make clothing before. He's very good at it. It's a slow, but interesting process to watch. I wished to be as good as him, but I'm a nobody. Best I can do is tie two measly pieces of thread in a knot, but that's it. Even if I was good at it, I doubt anyone would give a damn. I'm not a somebody, like my dad. "You know..." Licorice said. I looked up to listen to him. " day, Nemesia, you'll probably be a very successful man. I bet you'll sew better than me when you grow up" he smiled. I looked down at the ground. Licorice knew I wanted to do that, but I doubted his words. I doubt I would be able to sew better than him, or become successful at all. What does he even see in me? When we arrived at the store, Poison Mushroom had quickly wandered in. Licorice panicked, but didn't wanna call out for them. He didn't want to attract unwanted attention. Instead, he ran to catch them. I slowly followed behind, feeling mad again, but I kept telling myself everything was going to be okay, while taking deep breaths. Well, guess what? Everything was NOT okay.

It wasn't fun at all with Poison Mushroom, because they kept wandering off, and Licorice had to make me watch them like they were my baby brother, which was very annoying

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It wasn't fun at all with Poison Mushroom, because they kept wandering off, and Licorice had to make me watch them like they were my baby brother, which was very annoying. Also, when they didn't wander off, they got to put most of the items in his tote, which pissed me off, because I was the one who always got to do that. I felt like screaming at them again, but I also felt like crying. Why did they have to come and ruin a trip to the store? I hated them. I hated them with all my heart. While Licorice was paying for the thread and... other dumb stuff, I wanted to kick my brother in the shin. They were standing next to me with that stupid little smile. I wanted to rip it off like it was a sticker. I then turned to notice nemesias were growing under shelves, slowly tilting them. I quickly took deep breaths so they wouldn't grow any further. They were medium sized nemesias, pretty noticeable. I should've felt ashamed for slightly damaging property, but I wasn't. I was more focused on this stupid trip to the store, ruined by my older brother.

As we walked home, I held onto my father's hand tighter. "So, did you two like our short trip to the store?" Licorice asked us. Poison Mushroom said yes, but I didn't say anything. I didn't even nod or shake my head. I was too upset. I don't even think Licorice noticed that I was upset. I was grateful for that though, because if he did notice, that would lead him to asking questions that I didn't want to answer.

Nemesia Cookie [TW: Blood/Violence] (NONOFFICIAL LORE)Where stories live. Discover now