Unfortunate flower power

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As I was drawing in my sketchbook, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It was Poison Mushroom Cookie, coming into the room. They looked at me and came closer. "What... what's that you're drawing?" they asked, leaning to take a look. They always loved to see what I was drawing. "Oh, nothing special, just some flowers" I said. "Can you... draw me?" they asked, smiling. Poison Mushroom asks me to draw them all the time and each time I do, Poison Mushroom seems to be more and more impressed.

"Sure" I say. I got up and pulled out a chair in front of my bed, told them to sit on it and to stay still. Sometimes it's a hassle drawing Poison Mushroom because they're so squirmy and won't stay still. Nevertheless, I still manage to draw them one way or another. Minutes after I started sketching them, they asked me "would you like a shroomie?" There it is, always asking me if I want shroomies. They always offered them to our parents but the two of them never want any. Me on the other hand always took their shroomies, since I felt it would be rude to reject it. They do get sad when no one takes their shroomies, after all, and I don't like it when they're sad. "Yes, but later, I need to finish drawing you first" I say. "Okaaaaaay" they say, seemingly understanding. I continue to work on the sketch, but when I looked up, they were walking out. "Wait, where are you going? I'm not done yet!" I call out. "I'm going to get the shroomies!" they said, walking out.

I sigh a frustrated sigh. "How hard is it to stay still for just a couple of minutes?" I groaned. I then noticed some nemesias blooming out the floor. "No, no, no..." I worry, jumping off the bed and quickly picking them. Whenever I get even a tiny bit angry, I start to accidentally make nemesias grow in places they shouldn't be. What makes it worse is that I get angry a lot. The angrier I get, the bigger the nemesias get. Lucky for me, these ones were pretty small. My parents and brother don't know about this and I'm afraid of them knowing, so I try to control my anger as much as I can. I don't want them to think something's wrong with me. No parent would want a child who makes flowers grow out of anger, destroying the floors and walls beneath it. That would most likely be what a bad child does. Am I a bad child...?

I throw the nemesias into the trash and go back on my bed, sighing in relief

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I throw the nemesias into the trash and go back on my bed, sighing in relief. Poison Mushroom then came running in, shroomies in arms. They handed me one with a smile. "Poison Mushroom, I said later. You want me to draw you, don't you?" I asked them. Poison Mushroom went silent. I guess they were pondering. Finally, they responded with "no" and placed a shroomie next to me. I watched at them as they sat down on their bed, singing about some... silly little mushroom dance, I don't know, then I looked down at my sketch that I was halfway finished with. I watched as my fingers clenched on the paper, wrinkling it a bit. I felt so annoyed, I wanted to throw the sketchbook to the wall, but then I noticed more nemesias growing on the floor next to me. They were bigger than the last ones. I panicked, worrying Poison Mushroom would see them, so I jumped onto the floor to cover them. I looked up. Poison Mushroom was staring at me. "Ohh... want another?" they asked, handing another shroomie to me. "No! No... keep it" I insisted.

Poison Mushroom nodded and went back to their... stupid song. I ripped the nemesias out and kick them under the bed. I sit back on it and tear out the unfinished picture, crumbled it, and then threw it onto the floor. I then took some deep breathes, trying to calm down. Our room really doesn't need any more nemesias damaging the floors and walls. You're fine... it's okay... everything's fine I thought. If you keep acting this way, you'll end up disgracing your parents... you'll end up being a bad child. I flipped to the page I was originally working on, deciding to finish it at first, but then after thinking about it, I changed my mind. I didn't want to see flowers today.

Nemesia Cookie [TW: Blood/Violence] (NONOFFICIAL LORE)Where stories live. Discover now