What am I becoming?

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2 hours had passed, and I was still patiently waiting for my uncle. What if he can't come? I thought, putting my uniform away. I then heard the doorbell ring. I saw Licorice run past my door, saying "that's probably him!" I also saw Clover walk past, saying "oh, it has been a while since I've seen him, so many dogs..." I got up off my bed and ran downstairs. When I looked down, Licorice was just about to open the door. I could hear the faint sound of barking behind the door. Oh, he must've brought a dog... or two I thought, and boy, I thought wrong. Once he opened the door, exactly 50 cake hounds came running in. Licorice and Clover were surprised, and so was I. I wasn't actually expecting a swarm of cake hounds to come over. I watched as Licorice and Clover fell over because of the overwhelming amount of cake hounds rushing around them. "Sit! All of you!" commanded a voice from outside. To my surprise, all the cake hounds sat down after hearing said command. "Form five lines!" it then shouted. The cake hounds, again, followed its command.

Then, the cookie walked in. He had an odd eye, and a strange arm. It was Red Velvet, of course. He turned to Licorice and then chuckled "long time, no see". Licorice got up and chuckled too. "I know... sorry for not contacting you" he said. "No need for apology, I've been pretty busy these past few years anyways... mostly getting lectured by my wife, you know how strict she is" Red Velvet said, helping Licorice up. I looked at him from head to toe. He didn't look intimidating anymore. How boring... but I dunno, maybe it was just the glasses. He then turned around to me and then boomed "Nemesia! You've really grown up a lot. Don't be shy, come here!" Yeah... he didn't seem intimidating like his past self. I felt a little bit let down, but hey, the arm is there, that's a plus. I walked up to him and before I could even think another thought, he picked me up by the back of my shirt with his arm and also looked at me from head to toe.

"Hm... he looks pretty strong for his age, how can a teenager be more fit than you? It baffles me!" Red Velvet laughed at Licorice. Me? Fit? Don't be ridiculous. I don't even work out, unless you count overthinking so much to the point it feels like your brain is gonna overheat and combust as "working out". "He would've made such a great soldier for me back then..." When he said that, Licorice seemed a bit worried. "Can you... not talk about that, please?" he stammered. "How come? He isn't a toddler. It's not going to hurt him if he hears about anything involving an army" Red Velvet scoffed. "Besides, it's not like he can join one, he's still pretty young" Licorice was visibly annoyed. "Yes, but what's stopping him from joining one when he grows older...?" he muttered. "Goodness, you really have changed. You're so overprotective" Red Velvet said, surprised. He gently put me down, and I quickly grabbed onto his arm. I ran my hand across it. It was smooth. "Oh, interested in the arm, I see" Red Velvet smiled. I looked up to him and then proceeded to ask him "did you scratch any faces off with it?" What? I was just curious. I'm pretty sure anyone else would've asked something similar. He chuckled and said "You bet I did, little one. Lots and lots of faces were scratched off"

 Lots and lots of faces were scratched off"

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I was amazed. That was the coolest thing I've ever heard. Okay, maybe he's not so boring after all. "Velvet!" Licorice yelped. "What? He asked. Besides, didn't you just tell me that you told Nemesia about how we were villains back then? I'm pretty sure he's smart enough to know we didn't try to bring world peace back then, dumbass" Red Velvet said. "Man, come to see you after a few years, and you've become such a killjoy, what happened? I wouldn't mind seeing the 'confidently-ignorant you' once more" Licorice sulked a bit after hearing that. "Anyways, is it okay if I see your room, little one?" he then asked me. I nodded and took his hand to come upstairs with me. "Oh, well, we're off, I guess" Red Velvet chuckled. "Have fun, you two!" Clover shouted at us. I felt bad, and a bit angry... at Licorice. I've never felt angry at him before, and I felt sad that I did. I get he was worried, but he didn't have to treat me like I was some toddler who didn't know right from wrong. It hurt my feelings.

I watched as Red Velvet looked around the room. "Such a tidy room you have, and... are these your drawings?" he asked, pointing to the pictures hung up. "Poison Mushroom drew the shroomie one..." I muttered. "Ah, I see. Hey, speaking of who, where are they?" he asked. I shrugged. They were probably with Onion Cookie or something, but I didn't care. "Your drawings are very detailed" he grinned. I really wanted to crack a smile... but I couldn't. I was appreciative, though. "Oh, the cake hounds, I've left them in their lines for a while, I should command them to... not do that any longer" Red Velvet said, leaving my room. I was following him downstairs for a bit, until I heard "Red Velvet, can I talk to you for a bit?" I decided to eavesdrop for a bit. Why? Because I was curious.

"Please... keep the talk about what you did in the past to yourself... I don't want it around Nemesia" Licorice said. "I fear it'll have a bad influence on him..." I felt a bit angry, but still continued to listen more. "Licorice, he's 15, he knows better. Besides, he seems interested in this stuff" Red Velvet said. "If he's interested, it's probably gonna have an influence on him... also, he's been acting so strange lately and I wanna think it's because he's moody but... I fear he's becoming like me" Licorice said. "See what I meant by 'overprotective'? You're worrying too much! Have you even tried talking to him? It's probably something else that's making him this way" Red Velvet said. "I always try talking to him, but... he never answers me. What am I doing wrong? Does he not like me?" Licorice sighed. I felt bad. No, it's not that... I thought. "I'm worried, Velvet... I'm just worried. I feel he's hiding something from me, and that could lead to him becoming... evil" I heard the sadness in Licorice's voice. "Well, I won't argue with you and say that's unlikely to happen, he does have your genes, but maybe he's not comfortable talking about what's bothering him right now. Only he will decide when he's ready" Red Velvet replied. I wasn't ready. I knew I would never be ready and it made me feel even more terrible. I didn't want him to worry, that's the one thing I didn't want to happen, but I still got him to worry anyways. I ran to my room, with tears blinding my vision.

"Oh Licorice..." I sobbed. "I'm so sorry..." Just then, I felt a nibble on my foot. I looked down to see a cake hound. Red Velvet must've let them go as he told me he would. "Get away from me..." I mumbled, curling up into a ball onto my bed. The cake hound looked at me, confused. It jumped onto the bed and barked at me. I was getting annoyed. "I said go away..." I mumbled once more, gently pushing the dog away with my foot. It started to whimper and rubbed its head on my legs. I got really annoyed now. "...I said"

Red. My eyes were blinded by red. When I finally came to my senses, I noticed I was shaking. I looked down at my hands. Frosting was all over them, specifically, cake hound frosting. I looked up in front of me to see a big nemesia. It was closed, and some frosting was dripping out of it. My heart started beating like a drum. I built up enough courage to look inside of it. A smooshed cake laid inside of it. I stopped shaking, and sighed in... relief? The thing that was making me angry was gone and I... was fine with that? "No big deal, I'll just get rid of this mess" I calmly muttered. As I started cleaning everything up, thoughts rushed in my head. Have you no shame!? You actually just killed something! You did something evil! You... I thought. I felt no shame, but why? After everything my father had said, after all those tears I cried out when I heard it, why was I not ashamed? Because it was... satisfying?

I balled up the nemesia, along with the smooshed body and stuffed it in the trash, then proceeded to lick the frosting off my hands, because well... it would be a good waste of frosting if I just simply wiped it off. I heard the door open behind me and I jumped. "Hey Nemesia? We heard you scream, are you okay?" It was just Licorice. I nodded. "Oh okay... anyways, have you seen a cake hound around here? Red Velvet is refusing to leave until he has all of them with him" I felt a nervous feeling crawling in my stomach. I shook my head, hoping he'd leave me alone. "Okay then, and... Nemesia. I want to let you know that you don't have to be scared to talk to me... I'm always here to listen" he smiled, and closed the door. I fell down to the floor and felt bad. Not for what I just did, but that Licorice will never know what's wrong with me. My anger issues, my powers, the people who put me down and my violent desires. What was I becoming?

Nemesia Cookie [TW: Blood/Violence] (NONOFFICIAL LORE)Where stories live. Discover now