Chapter 6

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Amira's POV

   "Lady Ryo... Wake up." I gently pat her shoulder. "Agh! 15 minutes." she muttered. I frowned upon her response, Jeez this child is really testing my patience. She's been saying that for 30 minutes already!

  "RYO! WAKE THE F*CK UP!" I screamed on her ear.

 "F*CK!" she screamed back and glared at me with bloodshut eyes. I chuckled, definitely satisfied of her reaction.

  "Now, quit pouting because your father will meet you for breakfast along with the Empress downstairs."

 "Ugh!" she groaned and pulled the blanket over her head. "Tell them I'll be late." she said. "No can do, I am just a servant. Gotta do what I gotta do. Now get up before the warm bath gets cold." I patted her butt before coming inside her extravagant bathroom and adding roses on the bubble bath.

  "What is this? A honeymoon bath?" she asked sarcastically and chuckled.

  "No, I'm taking a bath with you." Instantly, her cheeks turned red. "What the f*ck!" she screamed in horror. I chuckled upon her reaction.

  "I was just kidding, Jeez. You're literally looking down on me, I showered before coming here. You're acting like I'm filthy or something and why would a peasant bath with a noble?" I teased and started unbuttoning her pajamas.

  "W-Wait, Unnie!" My brows furrowed in confusion when she grabbed my hands to stop. "What's wrong?"

  "Why are you unbuttoning my pajamas?!" My jaw dropped in confusion on why she's suddenly self conscious. "Aren't I suppose to help you bath? It's part of my morning job." I tilted my head in confusion.

 "R-Right. I can bath myself though." I rose a brow as she cleared her throat. "Alright then. But be quick though. You have about 30 minutes to get ready and meet them."

  "Mhm." she hummed and proceeded to get inside to bath herself. I don't understand, Aren't nobles supposed to have any assists to bath, maybe she was shy because I'm her friend or something or maybe she just isn't used to it anymore, I mean who knows?

  When she was done showering and I was in the middle of dressing her up, she asked me something I wish she wouldn't notice.

  "Unnie, The Empress have gone mad when she lost your ID. What did really happen before ?" she asked. I pressed my lips together and looked down on the floor, unable to answer it quickly. I never told her about my relationship with the Empress before so I knew she would ask me this someday.

  "It was complicated." I sighed. Her brows furrowed as she stared at me through the mirror, "Complicated?"

 "We had a thing. I got bored and ran away." I quickly replied. I hated lying, but I just didn't want Moon leaving a bad taste on Ryo.

  She slowly nodded her head. "I heard she had this Concubine she's been eyeing back then though but I'm not sure if she really married her or just screwed her before leaving."

  "Have you seen that girl?" I asked.

  "No, why'd you ask?" She turned to look at me and I shook my head before smoothening her clothes over her shoulder. "No reason."
   I couldn't help but shake my head because of her response. She's probably referring to when Moon and I started having a fraudulent relationship to stir the noble society at the capital ....

   Unless there's someone else whom she's been eyeing in a span of 2 years after I'm gone.

  "Ivertonean issues never got to this border, isn't it?" I attempted to change the subject but she only shrugged her shoulders. "I ran away a year ago so I wasn't part of the noble society since then. Not sure about the Imperial gossip in Iverton. Plus, the only Imperial gossip I heard about was about my cousins' Imperial gossips." she laughed. We chatted on some more till the alarm rang, indicating for Ryo to finally come join her father for breakfast.

   When we reached the dining area, the chatty table turned silent and everyone's head turned to us.

 I proceeded on placing the napkin on Ryo's lap before lining up with the other maids as they then commence eating. The table was eerie and awkward than last night or was it probably because of the fact that I definitely got caught last night after some time in hiding.

  It has come to my attention that Ryo's father did look almost as old as Moon's father. He cleared his throat, "I haven't said this last night because of the shock, so please excuse my rudeness but I congratulate you and your soon-to-be marital partner, Your Highness Axel."

  "Thank you, Duke Dumount. I will surely mail you an invitation soon when we come up with a wedding date." Though the look on the duke's face shows that he didn't support with the same-sex marriage that's about to happen within their family line because of their religious traditions but I see how he remains respectful towards the couple which I applaud for.

   "I would also like to be vocal about my proposal in bonding the Imperial Palace of Iverton and the Dumount duchy. " The duke's face lightened up hearing about the one of a kind offer coming from the one and only Imperial family of a foreign land.

   "We all know how my father have been restricting international foreign tradings for years and that hindered businesses to skyrocket all over the continent, yes?"

  "Yes, that is right, Your Highness." The duke confirmed.

  " I'd like to open a trading service with regards to knights and servants. I heard the duke produces well-trained knights and servants."

  "Oh Please, Your Imperial Highness, you're too kind." the duke chuckled. "Will it be okay to ship your best skilled knights and servants to train ours in exchange for opening the Ivertonean routes for traders in businesses?"

   Woah, then that would mean Iverton will be sort of like a trading center because Moon's Empire is literally at the center of the said lands which makes it easy for travelers and traders to come and go because the border is now an open route for people to go one place to another and some don't have to go pass another border to purchase foreign spices and objects because it all can be purchased in the Ivertonean capital now.

  Well, that is a proposal they can't ignore. "My, that would be advantageous for the both of us greatly, Empress. I am happy to be working with you on that."

  "Then it's settled." she smirked and had the duke sign some papers, of coarse with Ryo's supervision.

  "Now, shall I start picking who to bring?" My jaws immediately dropped. RIGHT NOW?! I immediately stepped a quarter back and kept my head low. Not like it would help with anything but-

  "Her. I choose her." she pointed directly at me and my blood immediately ran cold. Ryo quickly stood up, "B-But Your Majesty, she just started yesterday." I quickly nodded my head, agreeing to Ryo's comment.

   Her lips twitched up, "Isn't that so?" she slowly replied and tilted her head to place it on her hand that was resting on the arm rest. "Then we might have a problem with people defying my choices." she mumbled but enough for them to look terrified. Her eyes never drifted away from me. I gulped upon that gracious sight.

   "Your Imperial Highness, My daughter meant that maybe she can learn here before she gets shipped off to Iverton. It would be embarrassing to ship someone who didn't have any experience on the basics yet. " Why are these people acting like I'm some object or something?

  "Can't she learn in Iverton along with the other splendid servants?"

  "Well... That could be possible." the duke didn't even have any second thoughts and agreed to her suggestion.

   "You- You can't!" Everyone's head turned to Ryo,  waiting for her to finish what she's saying. Even I am startled upon her sudden objection. "She- SHE HAS A DAUGHTER LIVING UNDER MY CARE!" My eyes literally popped out of my socket when Ryo screamed out the revelation and all h*ll broke loose.

  She's not dumb not to connect the dots, I'm utterly f*cked.

to be continued...



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