Chapter 31

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Amira's POV

Looking back, there wasn't much I could ask for. When I came to Iverton, I was struggling to pay rent and financing my daughter along with other debts that are due. Yet I couldn't imagine that someone as important as Moon would take a chance to glance at my direction with admiration placed upon me.

I didn't have faith in myself but she did. From taking me in to fool the Emperor, to joining the Line Up, to hoping that someday I'd come back.

Yet could top off more in proving her love for me are the documents in my hand, stating that I am officially Baroness Lady Amira Nahmer upon the Imperial court of Law signed by the Ivertonean Prime Minister.

On the other note, it was stated that a land was bought under my name along with an estate that I never thought I could own.

I looked at Moon with teary eyes as my heart swelled in overwhelmed feelings.

"I-I can't take this." I whispered. "It's for you." She insisted. Is she crazy? This is too much, I could not top up anything that levels to her ways of loving me.

"Don't cry, my love." She cooed as she wiped the tears away from my face and soothed my back. She loves too much, nobody could compare the ways she had given just to show me how important I am to her.

"You deserve more than this, Amira." I shook my head once more, insisting that this could possibly be not mine.

"W-Why are you doing this?"

"Because I love you. I want you have enough comfort. You and Riley. I would be much more honored to share my luxury with you because these riches are all my dedication to you."

"You're scary when you love. How do I reciprocate this kind of love language?" I shook my head, reading the statement over and over again just to make sure I'm reading them right. This is just so good to be true.

"My love language is you. Even if you just stand there and be in the same room as me, I'd be happy." She smiled and lightly peck me all over my face.

When you grew up with nothing, even with just small genuine kisses can alter my brain chemistry. I've never been loved like this other than her.

"Shh... Stop crying." She whispered as she gently wipe away my tears.

She slowly kneel on one knee right infront of me as she took my hand just to press her lip unto. "Empresses should not kneel to anybody other than the god they believe.." I said in between my sobs.

"Then let me be the first Empress who doesn't mind bowing down to her wife." my heart pumped upon her statement. She's seriously feeding my mind with these sweet things.

"B-But I'm not your wife, Moon." She let out a small chuckle. I don't think I've ever felt the love and endearment as intense as this in my life before.

"Amelia.. From this day onward, allow me to nurture and treasure you as you deserve." She gently said and buried her cheek on the palm of my hand.

My mouth immediately hang open when she pulled out something from her pocket, only to find a ring on it.

"A-Are you serious?!" I couldn't stop myself from shrieking. "Woah.. woah.. Okay are you proposing?!" I asked, trying to make sure I get her intention and that I'm not just assuming things.

"You want me... To be your wife?" She quickly nodded her head. I could not describe what I'm feeling at this moment. Do I really deserve this much joy?

I immediately jumped into her and planted my mouth on her's. I've only imagined this life in dramas and operas and think it's cliche and superficial, not until it happens to you first-handedly.

Cars Over Crowns 2 : The Chase Isn't Over (A Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction) (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now