Chapter 26

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Amira's POV

  I already expected that Moon wouldn't wait for me to get breakfast together this morning. Moon refused to move Riley back to our room so we had the privilege to sleep on her nice comfy bed with me on Riley's right and Moon on her left.

  "Where's Her Imperial Highness?" I asked the servant who just came inside to prepare for our breakfast with all the food on the push cart.

  "Her Imperial Highness, Empress Moon went out for a morning race in the arena, my lady." I slowly nodded my head.

  "Wait at the countryside?" I tilted my head with confusion. She didnt mean the private arena out of the capital we used to go to, did she?

  "Her Majesty built the arena in the capital, my lady. She went there early in the morning because there isn't that much costumer who goes there during dawn to morning, Especially when it's the Sunday weekend." I slowly nodded my head. That made sense. It would probably be questionable if she went there in the middle of the day when there are people who shows up to practice racing there. They'd probably think she left her responsibility as a Ruler and would shame her for having a time off for once.

  "Since when was it built?" I don't really remember there was any near the palace.
  "Just about two years ago. It's a new arena but it's actually quite popular since Her Highness' past cars are in there for people to exhibit." I let out slight chuckle.

  "Such a brazen.." I shook my head in amusement. " Actually, the arena is owned by her friend who was once her manager." The servant smiled as she walked inside the bathroom to run the morning bath.

  "You mean, Solar?" She looked above for a second as if thinking whether the name ringed a bell. "I think that's her name. She only came inside the palace twice and she's quite scary most of the time." I couldn't help but be amused by this young servant. She reminded me of myself back when I was 21.

  "You seem to know a lot about the Empress' private life." I commented. She let out a soft giggle.

  "I've been here for about two years now Madam. Her Highness Gabriella took me in after getting saved from being a sold at the auction."

  I couldn't help but look down in sorrow. I felt horrible and sad for her. She must've endured a lot just by the mere fact that she was taken in from a black market. Still it keeps me wondering how can she still keep a smiley face like this?

I know I shouldn't be too curious about what happened over the past years but I was dreading to know what happened.

  "Her Highness Gabriella... How is she—I-I mean, what kind of person is she to you?" I looked at her momentarily as she placed the plates over the mats to set the table.

  "She's... A well-behaved person." She smiled as if talking about her was her cup of tea. "A very calm and cool type of person." I looked at her with confusion. "What do you mean?"

  "She's well-spoken and most of the time casually reads in the library on the weekends. I find her cool because she helped overcome a lot of struggles when I was still new and I never saw her get angry or being reckless—not that I think the Empress was reckless though. I.. I just like the Princess very much."

   I almost let out a chuckle, I remember well how Gabriella's been naughty and used to give Moon headaches and causing sneaky troubles around the palace.

"She doesn't speak that much though which is why many people agree that she's a copy of Her Majesty, the Empress." I tilted my head. I could tell she clearly adores Gabriel by the way she speaks and most probably never met the cheeky version of Gabriel.

Cars Over Crowns 2 : The Chase Isn't Over (A Moonbyul-yi Fanfiction) (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now