Chapter 8

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Amira's POV

     I.... Don't think I came here for this treatment.

   Instead of learning imperial household chores like how I'm supposed to, I happen to be stuck with the Empress for the rest of meal time. I could not complain about it since she for sure is the one who pays me now.

   Riley couldn't hide her excitement seeing the palace when we reached here. Stepping in back inside this place gave me mixed emotions, if I would be honest I was mortified. I didn't ever plan on coming back here yet here I am recognizing the familiar halls where I was once dragged along to prison.

   As for the Empress herself, she's acting quite close to my daughter. As if she has formed a bond with her some time ago. What in world is she unto now?

    "If I be permitted to say, Your Imperial Highness. I came to work, not spend dinner with you." I said. She chuckled upon my upfront attack.

  "You're quite punctual Amir—"

  "It's Nahmer, Your Imperial Highness. Only people who know me may call me by my first name."

  She shook her head amusingly. " But I do know you Amira." She deadly responded before leaning back on her glorious dinner chair so cockily. It must've been nice sitting there as if she never suffered during her reign.

"The thing is, you don't Your Imperial Highness...." I calmly replied, "I wouldn't be spending my nights in prison if you knew me." The way that her face turned pale and the amusement flashing across her face that immediately turned gloom and serious made me want to laugh.

  "You've turned quite mean . For your information, You're doing your job to accompany me as an Imperial staff. This is working , is it not?" I sniggered upon her reply. Those dominant eyes may be intimidating, but I can't allow myself to submit upon her.

  "Now, eat your meal sweetheart. I don't like saying the same thing twice."

  I genuinely fought the urge to roll my eyes at her remark. Now she's acting like she cares for me.

  Though I don't want to pretend like I'm not hungry and starve, so I decided I should get something to eat only after Riley has her fill. She was indeed enjoying her food that her eyes twinkled and her cheeks were puffing up.

   "Is it delicious, my love?" I chuckled. She giddily nodded her head. "I see she's not a picky eater." Moon commented.

  "She isn't, Your Highness." I curtly replied, not once glancing back at her, she was not wrong, Riley likes every food, even the less likeable ones.

  But what's dislikeable for me is conversing with this woman infront of me. Saying it was super awkward  to see her again would be an understatement , I was horrified and shocked. Then here she is acting like I've never been tormented because of her poor judgement some time ago.

  She sighed and glanced down to her food. We had a moment of short pause till she spoke again.

"How are you?" She suddenly asked. I bit the insides of my cheek. How can someone ask me that all of a sudden? God knows how I've struggled because of her and I wished nothing more but to hurt her the same way she have hurt me, but I just can't.

I almost wanted to yell at her for asking me that stupid question but, "Fine, Your Highness." I replied—only giving her a millisecond of eye contact before shifting my eyes away from her.

   "No, like how have you bee—"

  "My apologies for disturbing you, You're Imperial Majesty but Her Highness, Princess Marta requested an audience." An old butler bowed his head. I've never seen quite a lot of faces before.

  Her mouth pressed into a thin line and glanced back to me,"My apologies, I might have to leave you momentarily."

   "It's alright, Your Imperial Highness. Thank you for your generosity of providing meal for us." I stood up and bowed my head.

  "I'll send the head maid so she can lead you to your room. Good night, you two."

   "Likewise, You're Highness." I bid her goodnight along with Riley who has been looking at her a little bit longer that how I've expected.

    I never heard a word regarding her curiosity towards the Empress and it's making me a little bothered. Riley was always the type to be nosey about people she's never seen before.

   I turned to look at my daughter who had her gazes lingering from where Moon just left.

   "Riley?" I called unto her name in which she looked like she pulled back to reality and looked back at me. I noticed sauces from her food smearing on her chin and cheeks so I went ahead and wiped it off for her.

   "Ready for a warm bath?" I smiled but instead, she replied with a burp that made me chuckle.

   While I was washing her body, Riley have been showing ambiguous behaviors lately ever since she met Moon and I don't even know if staying here and bringing her here was the best decision.

   "Mama is hurt." I looked up to meet her innocent eyes and I couldn't even bring myself to look up to meet her eyes because I was afraid that my daughter could actually prove her sentence.

  "Sweetheart, why would you say so?" I asked as I wrapped her up in a towel before placing her on my lap.

  "Because... You look angry everytime the beautiful woman who looks like a Queen talks." I chuckled at her thorough observation.

  "Mama's not angry. I was just tired from the trip and yes, she's an Empress so Mama would really appreciate Riley so much if she bows her head upon her presence next time."

   "I will, momma." She grinned and I kissed her forehead before scooping her with my arms as I carried her out of the bathroom.

  "Jeez! You're getting heavy Riley!" I chuckled. "I'm a big girl now, you don't need to carry me." She pouted.

   Of coarse you are, darling.


     "You're literally hiding the fact that she is here?! What kind of sister are you?!" Gabriella, my sister was about sprint to go see Amira for herself but I quickly grabbed her arm.

   "I don't think it's best to... Approach her yet." I hesitantly said. Her brows furrowed as she turned back to look at me.

   "She wasn't very delighted to see me. I'm sure she would feel the same to you." Her face almost fell when the looked of realization settled upon her face.

   She admitted being one of the reasons of Amira's trauma. None of us except Marta believed her. 

   "You're right." She sighed devastatingly and sat back down on the couch. It was over a year when we realized that Amira was innocent all along and my father testified it so the case would close.

   The Queen once demanded a search party to catch Amira and kill her on the spot when they find her. It caused a minor havoc at the capital and I had to step in to put her in her place and father arranged a hearing to prove Amira's innocence.

  Due to that, the Queen ended up paying the penalty for false accusations against Amira and the court and Imperial family decided to have her remained quarantined inside the country mansion for some time.

   She would've been locked up in a f*cking cell instead of that damn mansion forever if it weren't for my father's dignity as the former emperor.

   "Where did you found her, sis?" She asked.  My wandering mind snapped back to reality when Gab asked.

   "It's a long story." I said before standing up to walk out of the office.

   There's a lot of things I regretted over the past years, it would've killed me not to make up to her for what we done.

To be continued....


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