Chapter 11

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Amira's POV

      I gently stroke on my daughter's head and sang her a lullaby. I thought about when was the last time I sung to her these kinds of tunes that would make her sleep. It was a very long time ago and I'm pretty sure lulling her to sleep wouldn't help anymore.

   She was just staring at me as if somethings been on her mind for quite awhile.

   "What's wrong, sweetheart?" I asked, a little concerned.

     "I just missed you momma." My heart crack hearing her response.

   "I'm so sorry Ri. Momma's been very busy with work nowadays that's why I haven't spent time with you as much as we planned." I apologetically replied. We planned to enjoy our time together when she got home but the unexpected situation made us move in a fast phase. I could barely even keep up with spending time with my daughter and it made me feel very horrible about it.

   "I'll make it up to you tomorrow. How's that sound?" I smiled. As expected, she excitedly nodded her head and grinned and snuggled closer to me. I think I'm being too unfair to my daughter. I never want her to grow detached to me, it's just the two of us now. I can't afford to be neglectful and lose her again.

The next thing in the morning, we were in the kitchen preparing for a little tea party she would love to try.

    It wasn't just toys that we bought in the toy stores, it was a real tea party with real antique teacups and pot the maids gladly offered for our usage. I mean, what can I say? This place is indeed a palace, of coarse there would be thousands of tea sets around here.

   Rile have never tried tea before but she was excited about trying it for the first time. I bet she's going to love these palace cookies from one of these impeccable chefs as well. 

   "Now, Mommy's going to wake Her Highness and tend her needs for awhile and I will follow you immediate after doing my job, okay?" I slowly stated while hunching to her level.

   "Okay ma." She responded. "Don't go too far away, okay? Make sure that you stand where Jana can see you." I said. The maid named Jana also agreed to my rule. I think we both could conclude that Riley can be a bit handful for being hyper and running off from time to time. Only people who does good cardio exercise can handle her.

   Once everything is set with the tea party rules, I came rushing down to greet the Empress... who was unexpectedly already awake and brushing her hair alone?

   "I greet the Sun of the Empire. You're Imperial Highness, I didn't know you were awake so I barged in without thinking. Spare my negligence so I can do better next time ." I immediately bowed my head.

  She shook her head, "You don't have to bow to me when we're alone."

  I unintentionally bit my lip, thinking about how she's trying to erase the boundaries I have set between us. I'm not a fool for this stuff.

   "I appreciate your kindness. Your Imperial Highness but I believe it is unlike you to wake up at this hour." I spoke. I didn't have the chance to run a bath for her and choose a suitable outfit for her to wear for the day and the time to wake her was not up until about 30 minutes. I took a double take of my wrist watch and confirmed that she was indeed up way early.

She looked down on her lap as if she was contemplating what to say.

"I didn't sleep." I look up at her in confusion.

  "Pardon?" I asked again.

  "I couldn't sleep." She louden her voice this time while only paying attention to her reflection on the mirror. I didn't want to pry what was the reason for her restlessness that she had to stay up the whole night.

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