Chapter 7: Gone

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Kayli's POV

I ran into another town, and an idea came to me. I know that the others wouldn't follow me here, but I'd rather give them something to remember me. I went into a store and saw that they sold lockets and something for the guys, I guess like compacts or something, but I don't know what it's called. I bought 6 lockets and 3 compacts for the boys, and I got 9 copies of a picture with all of us together.

I used some of the money from my father's stash of money to buy the stuff. I left to go to the park to make the last presents I'll ever make.


I managed to mail the presents without crying. Immediately after they got mailed, I bolted out of town.

Alyssa's POV

Once Kayli got past all the cars, we had to give up. We didn't like the ideas of giving up on her, but we had to do it. We were all at Melissa's, but we weren't talking at all.

We heard the door knock, and Melissa went to see who it was. She came back with a package.
"Who's it from? And who's it for?" I asked curiously.
"It's.. For all of us! From.... KAYLI!!!" Melissa yelled as she took the note. We all crowded around her to see it.
"Read it woman!!" Izzy yelled.
"It says..." Melissa said as she read the note.
Dear everyone,
I miss you all so bad that it hurts. I never thought that I would actually see the day that I get to see you all again. When I realized that it was you, I couldn't believe it. The years went by so fast, and I wish I could of spent it with you. Maybe the empty feeling in my heart would of been filled.
I wrote you to say that I'm not coming back. You won't get to see me, and I... I don't want you to miss me. But knowing you guys, you probably would. So I made you presents, to remember me. I think you'll like them, I tried my best. But seriously, don't expect me to come home.... Or to be alive. I love you all deeply, but I'm staring to feel the same pain I felt in middle school. It's not because of you, it's just that I can't get over the past.

The boys could laugh about it if they want. But they won't, I know them. Enjoy the presents!!

-Kayli :)

I tried not to cry after Melissa read the note. Kayli.... Why would she do that? Chrissy opened the package, to our surprise it had 6 lockets and 3 compacts nicely wrapped so they won't scratch or break. The girls took the lockets that had our initial on it, and the boys took a compact with their initial on it. We opened them to see a picture with all of us together from middle school. I remember the day like it was yesterday.


"Hey everyone!!!" Kayli yelled as she ran over to all of us with a camera. She came running like a puppy who is playing fetch, she's always been this excited.
"What's up?" Louie said as he pointed at the camera.
"We're all friends right?" She asked beaming a smile.
"Obviously baka!" I said as I took the camera. Kayli pulled out a camera stand.
"Well.. I was thinking about taking a picture of all of us together! So we can look back at the time when we were in middle school!" Kayli said as she placed the camera stand down on the ground.
"Ok!" We all said in unison.

Kayli got the camera set up, and we all got into place as she was setting it up. I didn't think she would want to take a picture of all of us, I mean the girls are more understanding than the boys but I guess she counts them as friends like the rest of us.
"It's ready!!" She said as she set the timer off and ran to take her place. We let her be in the middle, we let the classroom be our background and the teacher was ok with it. The camera light was blinking red and the flash went off. We ran to see the picture and when we saw it, it looked really nice. It was great, and Kayli had the biggest grin on her face the rest of the day.

Back to reality

I wish those times were the same. But it's not, it's a living nightmare. I thought this as I put my locket on. Our friend is out there, probably scared to death and wants to die. I won't have that!!!
"Guys! We need to find her!!" I said as I stomped my foot on the ground.
"Where are we gonna look?" Aaron asked but I countered his question with, "The direction she took off... She was heading off in the direction Anistar City!"

(A/N OMG!!! Pokémon reference!!😱😱)

We hopped into our cars and drove for Anistar City. We all had one thing in mind, and it was to find Kayli alive and maybe walking through the streets.


We drove everywhere and she just wasn't here. We met up at a park and had a little meeting.
"Did you guys have any luck?" Izzy asked hopefully, but we all shook our heads. Where is she.... I hope that she didn't......

"She has to be here somewhere!" I said as I started crying. I cried into Melissa's shirt, and I squeezed her arm that I think she wouldn't be able feel anything.
"Maybe she went out into the country?" Ricky suggested and we were all filled with hope again. We set off for the country side.


We drove out into the country and it took us a long time to find anything. But 2 hours later we found someone walking the pathway, and we knew it was Kayli. We parked the cars a good distance away so she wouldn't notice, and ran in her direction. That was her.. It was Kayli! She's ok!! I thought this as tears flooded down my face as I ran. Before we even got to her, she ran. We followed her to a lake, the lake looked like something that would be in an anime. Kayli turned towards us.
"I knew you would find me." She said as she put down her duffle bag.
"Kayli come home please!" Liv yelled out as she was fighting back the tears.
"I wish I could.." Kayli said as she opened her bag and looked for something.
"Kayli what are you doing......." Aaron asked as he made a suspicious look.

That's when we saw that.... She pulled out a knife, but she managed a painful smile.
"You were my only friends..." She said as she started crying, "I love you guys..."
"Kayli!!" Hayley yelled as she tried running to Kayli but was held back by the boys, "Let me go!! Don't you see that she needs help!"
"Kayli please.. I believe in you!" Aaron said and we all knew he said that from a heart that I never knew he had.
"I know you do.." Kayli said as she pointed the knife at her heart, "Do me a favor, can you do that?" We all managed to nod because at any point, we would all break down crying.

"When you know I'm not there and you miss me.." She started saying as her hands trembled, "Just open the lockets and compacts, and I'll be there looking at them with you." Melissa and I were speechless at what she said. She repeated her mother's words that she said to her.
"We will..." I said but my voice was hoarse since I was crying.
"Thank you.." Kayli said as she started sobbing and dug the knife into her heart. We all ran to her as she crumbled to the ground.
"NOOOO!!!!" We all yelled as we all looked at Kayli. I took the knife out and held her close. Her eyes were still open but were losing color fast.
"We gotta help-" I started saying but stopped as I saw everyone's grim faces.
"Guys it's not too late!! IT CAN'T BE TOO LATE!!!!!" I screamed at them. She's not gone. She can't be. I looked at Kayli's face, she was emotionless as her tears stopped falling.

Melissa dropped to the ground next to me and started playing with Kayli's hair.
"I'll miss her so much." Melissa said as she let heavy tears fall out of her eyes.
"We all will...." Izzy said as her normal cheery face was grim.
"Let's have a hunger games moment..." I said as I picked Kayli up and brought her to the forest with the others behind me.

I let Aaron hold her as me and the girls picked flowers. We came back and made a flower bed, but we kept some of them. Aaron placed her on the flower bed, and Chrissy put the last flowers that we picked in Kayli's hands.
"May the odds be ever in your favor Kayli. We'll all miss you..." Aaron said as we all left. We left her smiling in her flower bed...

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