Something Worth Fighting For

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Nathan's POV is the whole story

My alarm clock went off, but I slammed my fist on the 'snooze' button. I rolled over on my stomach, groaning. It was Monday and all I wanted to do was sleep more. 

"Nate! You aren't even halfway done with first semester yet and you already have three tardies! You cannot be late again! Get your butt out of bed!" My mother yelled at me. I ignored her and closed my eyes. Just a few more minutes...

My mother doesn't exactly take 'no' for an answer, or 'hold on' for that matter. Next thing I know a pitcher of iced tea is being dumped on me.

"Mom! What the heck? You couldn't just use water like a normal human being?" I shouted.

"Oh, yeah. Well, now you're sticky, so you have to shower, too. My bad," my mom said, . She didn't feel bad at all. I looked at my clock. Five minutes to shower, one to get changed, two to brush my teeth, and two to shove bacon in my mouth. It was manageable.

I turned the shower water on to warm up as I threw some clothing out on my bed. I ran downstairs and ate some bacon. I placed a banana in my backpack for later. My mother wasn't in the kitchen when I was there. She was probably getting ready for work. After eating, the shower water was lukewarm, so I quickly stripped and hopped in. I quickly shampooed and scrubbed myself with soap. Then, I hopped out, dried my hair and body with a fluffy, green towel, and then put on the outfit I had set out earlier. I looked like the definition of 'prep' in my khaki shorts and navy and pink striped polo with my favorite Sperry's. The ladies loved it, though.

I hopped into my car and drove a few miles per hour over the speed limit to school. I parked in the back of my school's parking lot, since all the other spots were occupied. Then, I walked quickly to the school, saying 'hi' to a few people out at the courtyard.

Clarissa, a girl who had a crush on me, ran up alongside me, instead of just settling with the usual greeting.

"What's up, Clarissa?" I said, politely. I liked the blond as a friend, but she wanted more, a lot more. . I was a commitment sort of guy and growing up with two women, I had too much respect for girls to take advantage of them and throw them away like they were garbage.

"Nate," she said, placing a small, manicured hand on my left bicep, "I'm throwing a party next Friday night. It's going to be huge. You should come."

"Sure, I'll be there. You throw great parties," I said, honestly. Clarissa's parents were almost never home, making her house an optimal location to get drunk. I wasn't huge on drinking, but I liked to relax with a few bottles of beer every once in a while like any normal teenage guy.

"Catch you later, Nate," she said, after I told her I had to go talk to my guy friends for a while. At least she wasn't as clingy as she was last year. I was too nice to blatantly tell her to leave me alone and I didn't mind the attention most of the time.

After I walked through the main school hallway, I made a left in the Senior hallway, so I could stop at my locker. Like every day, my three best friends were waiting for me. They hadn't noticed my arrival yet and were talking about their favorite subject.

"Yeah, man, I was there last night, and let me tell you, that girl is smoking! Did you hear Tony is selling posters? He got some good pics and I am so buying one after I cash in my paycheck tonight," Brady said. He had a whole wall devoted to the same girl in his bedroom, and it was borderline stalkerish. The rest of the guys at my school weren't much better. There was this obsession with the "Terminator", or so they nicknamed the small, petite girl who impressed everyone with her boxing skills. She was the only female to fight at the Basement, an underground boxing club that wasn't exactly legal. For safety issues, everyone there wore masks, so no one knew exactly who the girl was. When she fought, guys stared at her butt in tight Spandex and chest in a sports bra. She had an amazing toned body. The Terminator was a popular topic of conversation between most of the male population at school, considering it was a combination of our two favorite things- attractive girls and sports.

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