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New cover by smiley_music. Thanks girl!

My alarm clock beeped and I groaned, slamming my hand on the most annoying device known to mankind. I hated waking up and today I had to wake up even earlier because of stupid morning detention.

I got up, took a quick shower, dried myself off with a white, fluffy towel, and then draped it around my waist. I shook my hair, flinging water droplets in random locations. I brushed my teeth whilst picking out my outfit for school. After spitting in the sink, I put on my khakis, grey and pink striped polo shirt and grey Nikes. If I added a pair of glasses, I could totally be a hipster, but that was more of Oliver's thing than me.

Since it was five o'clock in the morning, I slipped out the door silently. I didn't want to wake the rest of my family, who were all still sleeping blissfully.

Stupid cake. Stupid Mrs. Northbrook. Stupid morning detention.

I started the car, pulled out, and rushed to school, a bit over the speed limit, since I was, as usual, running late. I drove down a shortcut I had discovered last year; I usually did not drive this way since at the time I went to school on normal days, there was a lot of traffic this way.

As my car neared the school, I saw a girl walking, nodding her head from behind. As I neared her side, I slowed up as I neared her. She was holding a cup of coffee. "Nana's Cup of Love", read the coffee cup. The coffee shop wasn't open this early. There was only one person this could be. I sure had noticed Amy a lot more lately. She was everywhere.

"Get in, Amy," I said, pulling up next to her. Her eyes widened and she pulled her earphones out of her ears, obviously having had her music blasting to loud to hear me.

"Get in the car, Amy," I repeated myself. I was going to be late if she did not get in soon.

"No, I'm good. Thanks, but no thanks," she said, continuing walking. My car crawled slowly next to her.

"Get in. I promise I'm a good driver. I haven't gotten into a crash since last year, but I was totally wasted then, so you have nothing to worry about, considering I am completely sober now," I explained, trying to reassure her that it was okay to catch a ride with me.

"It's not that. I like walking. I'll see you at our tutoring session at lunch, kay?"

"No, just come on already," I protested. Why was she being so stubborn? I couldn't let her walk along all by herself. The sun was still rising! Something bad could happen to her.

"I'm fine, honestly. Just go already," she said, popping her earphones back in and continuing walking.

I sighed and, in defeat,  continued speeding along the road to school. I arrived a minute before my detention started at five thirty. I ran towards the classroom. Luckily, it was at the front of the building.

"So close to me adding on another day, Mr. Lowe," the teacher running the detention growled. He obviously wasn't eager to be awake earlier than necessary in the morning, either. I didn't respond to his comment, plopping my backpack down on a chair next to me, in the back row. I then proceeded to take a well deserved nap.

After detention, the hallways were full of students. I went to my locker and then to first period with Liam. I saw Amy in first period of course, but we didn't get a chance to talk. The rest of the day went by slowly and I was happy to have some free time at home. I didn't have to work tonight, luckily. After studying for a quiz I had the next day, Liam texted me and I decided to meet with him at the Basement. He went practically every day, but I only went about two or three times a week. I was pretty intelligent and could get my work done quickly. Since neither basketball or football was in season now, I had a lot of spare time. When Liam and I met up at the Basement, it was a special night, Challenger vs. Champion. The Terminator, the champion, would be fighting anyone who wished to challenge her tonight. There was a big, white board where the tallies were kept. It was only 9:30, so only about five fights had gone on already. There were five big marks under "Champion" and none under "Challenger".

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