Chapter 1: Welcome To Alola

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"Modified voice"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We see a plane flying over the ocean, inside there's a peculiar man clad in white and incredibly Long hair, But The most eye-catching part is His mask. A white and black mask with an arceus ring in the forehead with a shining gemstone, he's 17 years old but that's difficult to tell due to his mask. He's currently reading a book in his right hand, and his left hand was petting his partner, a shiny Eevee. She was currently asleep, resting on his trainer's lap, looking through the window he saw that the plane was about to land, so he gently shook the pokemon.

???:"Eevee, wake up."

Eevee woke up, yawned and stretched before looking at his trainer curiously


Luciel:"the plane's about to land."


The plane finally arrived at the region of alola, luciel stepped out of the plane giving a better view of what he was wearing, a Long white coat, a white-and-yellow fluffy scarf, yellow shirt with white pants, White shoes and white gloves. He has long wavy white hair that reaches to his waist. He took a deep breath and let it out.

Luciel:(content sigh) "fresh alolan sunny air." He said relaxed before he felt Eevee tugging on his pants

Luciel:"slow down Eevee, I know you are excited but we have to go for our friends first." He said picking her up and putting her on top of his head .


now we see Luciel exiting the airport with his pokemon.


Luciel:"so this is the alola region, not bad, what do you think?" I asked my partners, eevee who was sitting on my head, a cosplayer pikachu who's currently dressed as a rockstar on my left, and hoopa floating besides me.

Eevee:"eevee!" She said smiling

Rockstar Pikachu:"pika!" She said doing a devil's horn with his hand.

Rockstar Pikachu:"pika!" She said doing a devil's horn with his hand

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Hoopa:"it's really pretty here!"

Hoopa:"it's really pretty here!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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