Chapter 4: The First Soulmate!

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After James did his introduction towards the people at Neo Deava academy and was honored to stay at the place as a guest in which Zesscia took it upon herself to introduce James to her fellow teammates that helped saved the world in which James was pleased to go and meet new people.

Zessica: James I want you to meet my fellow teammates who are also great friends of mine. James this is Andy, Malloy, Sazanka, Mix, and Yunoha.

 James this is Andy, Malloy, Sazanka, Mix, and Yunoha

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James: It is a pleasure to meet all of you in person.

Andy: Nice to meet you as well dude and thanks for having our backs up there really appreciated.

Sazanka: What you did was absolutely amazing and your powers are remarkable!(Sazanka saids with excitement in her voice)

Malloy: I have to say we never met someone who had abilities far more greater than what we can do very impressive.

James: Thanks your words honor me greatly.

Mix: Your powers and magic are quite impressive and I see you have full control over them as well.

James: I spent my entire life training to use my powers for good and the other years learning to control my magic.

Yunoha: Thank you for helping us James...I can call you James right.

James: Of course you can and you kind of remind me of my little cousin Lucy, sweet, adorable, a little shy and likes to make people happy I can that you and her will get along quite well Yunoha.(James saids in which made Yunoha smile that she reminds James of one of his family members)

Andy: And dude that cosmic form you took on was totally badass!

Malloy: I'll say it was like we were looking at a pure star light.

James: Thanks I don't usually use my cosmic form that often, I only use it if I am facing a tyrant who wants to conquer or destroy the world.

Cayenne: Did you have to face something like that where you came from?(Cayenne saids in which James looked away while having a glare in which everyone looked to see that James indeed faced a tyrant back home)

Zessica: James you alright?(Zessica saids while worried about her new friend)

James: Sigh...yea I am alright and to answer your question Cayenne yes I did face a tyrant where I came from in which took almost myself and my family to take the bastard down and thank god he's gone.

Mix: Really what was he like and what was his name?

James: His name was Supreme Leader Zorg the dark lord of my world and he is far worse than your Mikage far worse.(James saids in which got everyone spooked about there being someone more dangerous that Mikage)

Sazanka: What did he do James?

James: Killed thousands of innocent people, unleashed his armies upon across the globe, use his unnatural powers to bring those crumbling before him, almost destroyed the whole world in the process if it wasn't for us Warriors that we all banded together and took him down and destroyed him but at a coast.

James Robby in The Soulmate QuestWhere stories live. Discover now