Chapter 9: A Bug and A Warrior!

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When James and Ladybug sat down together, James went ahead and explained his origins to the heroine and didn't bother to leave anything out. James told her all about his families history of how he inherited his powers from generations of his families bloodline as well as have the ability to use magic and at first Ladybug didn't believe it but when James showed her some of his magic all of sudden the heroin believed it and never knew people can use actual magic that made James smile. James also explained to her that him and his family have spent generation's protecting the the world from dark forces who want to conquer or destroy the world and have faced off against dangerous foes which he told her about his enemy Supreme Leader Zorg conquer of the world who used his powers to destroy all before him as well as unleash his armies to bring harm to others and it brought a chill down Ladybug's spine that somehow as evil as that could do such a thing makes her think that this Zorg guy is far worse then her own enemy that she is facing. To make sure that James was telling the truth to her, he used his magic to allow to her to see his memories as well as the battles that were fought and the team that was forge to keep the world safe. Ladybug listened to every word that James was saying in which she started to believe him as well as the abilities that he can use including knowing about the heroes known as the Warriors who saved more lives than she can count.

James went ahead and told her about the powers he has with him that he got from family and informed Ladybug that everyone of James family has powers far beyond anything you could possibly imagined. He then told her about his new power he developed after the war with Zorg ended many years ago in which he had the ability to open portals that can lead to other universes and Ladybug was in complete utter shock that there are other worlds out there besides hers and asked if James ever been to anyone of them and he told her he has where he met a group of people the same age as her who have these powers who use them to protect their world from enemies of another planet and James told Ladybug that they call themselves elements people who are born with these powers or are the reincarnation of their past life who fought dangerous foes eons ago. He did tell her about how the elements fight their enemies by using a giant robot called Aquarion that is the combination of three different vehicles called vectors and once the element calls out the name of the robot, the vectors can transform into three stages that the elements can chose from. Ladybug asked if James ever been in one and he told her he has in which he showed her Solar Wing from his magical storage bag that contains a large storage that made Ladybug looked upon the storage bag in awe that something like this could exist in another universe. James mentioned the battle he fought with the elements against a dark being known as a shadow angel who planned to destroy the world but was stopped and defeated by James himself as well as the elements.

James: And that's pretty much it about myself as well as my experience of traveling to another universe.

Ladybug: Wow....this is something totally new to me. There other universes out there in which I thought was just a theory and you have these amazing powers that you use wisely as well as having the ability to use real magic.

James: And you wanna know something else that I have in my universe.

Ladybug: What is that?

James: I too have miraculous holders where I come from.

Ladybug: WHAT?!

James: Yea I cannot believe that there's other miraculous out there especially if they from another universe.

Ladybug: But..I thought myself and my team as well the other miraculous around the world are the only ones but I didn't know there were more out there even from other universes.

James: Yea what I can tell is Katipo would flip when he hears the news about there being other miraculous holders from different worlds.

Ladybug: Katipo? Who is that?

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