Chapter 2

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Tanjiro's pov

I woke up in the snow and I was confused until it all came back to me. I got up and ran up to the open door.


All I saw there was blood and it was everywhere. 'Mom, Takeo, Rokuta, Hanako, Shigeru, and…. Nezuko!' I turned to see where she was, she was in the snow with blood all over her. I ran up to her- she was breathing "Nezuko! Wake up nezuko!" I yelled, shaking her.

Her eyes shot open, she then started growling "N-Nezuko?..." I asked. She jumped away growling, she then looked at our family's  remaining mangled bodies. She was drooling at all the blood splattered everywhere, she then charged at the bodies.

I grabbed her and was holding her down. "Nezuko! Please nezuko this isn't you, please nezuko come to your senses!" I yelled at her desperation trying to get her under control. I closed my eyes praying that she would come to her senses, as I was praying I heard whimpering so I opened my eyes to see Nezuko crying I was relieved so I let go of her.

As soon as I let go of Nezuko she hugged me crying "Shh, it's okay" I calmly said to her. After a bit she was asleep "she probably needs energy.." I thought as I lay her down. After laying her down I went inside and grabbed some clean clothes and food as well as changed.

I then set that down and went to my dead family and put them in Graves. As I did this Nezuko woke up and sat next to me while I prayed. When I finished I put a muzzle on Nezuko, she looked at me a little worried "Ahh don't worry Nezuko this is only to make sure you don't eat people…" She nods her head.

"Nezuko, I'm going inside to get something I'll be back" I say smiling at her "Mhm!" She replied. I walked inside ignoring the blood splattered everywhere. I then walked to mothers room and went to a certain floor board and picked up 'grandfather's friend's sword' I thought as I picked up the bright red sword.

'This belongs to grandfather's friend, he left us a sword to protect ourselves' I thought remembering that yorichi had left this to protect ourselves. Before I left I grabbed a kimitsu mask with a fire pattern. As I left I saw her Looking at the graves, she looked a little…sad?...

'Does she remember?' I asked myself. I then put the swords on my hip and walked to Nezuko "Come Nezuko lets change your clothes" I said smiling at her, she nodded and went inside to change.

After a few seconds Nezuko comes out in her favorite kimono, I smile at her "Come Nezuko, we're going to find another place to live a safe place" I said as she nodded. We start walking but then I smell someone approaching fast. I ready my sword keeping nezuko behind me, she looks at me confused till something clashes with my sword.


Giyuu's pov

I was told by my kasugai crow that there was a powerful demon here, possibly an uppermoon or Muzan kibustuji. I was walking around in the village where the demon could be but it was peaceful. "I hope tanjiro made it up the mountain ok" I heard a voice say, I turn and ask the woman who she was talking about "Oh, you must be a traveler! There is this family called the Kamado family up in the mountain" the woman said. 'Of course the mountain, the perfect place to kill a family is in a mountain with no people around" I thanked the woman and made my way up the mountain.

After running up the mountain I see a boy with a kimitsu mask on with a girl wearing a muzzle, once I saw them I sensed they were demons. I ran to them but the boy seemed to have noticed me so he got into a fighting position, he was fast enough to block my attack the girl looked surprised a bit then she got into a fighting stance "Nezuko, stay down!" Said the boy she looked at him worried but she backed down 'Now that's something you don't see everyday' I thought.

"What do you want?" The boy questioned in a calm manner, I didn't say anything "Nezuko when I say 3 you turn and run okay?" He said to the girl without taking his eyes off me "Mhh!" The girl made a worried sound "It's okay I'll catch up" he said with a loving voice, she still looked worried but got into a running position "1…..2…..3!!!" He yelled the last number they both ran but in different directions the boy ran toward me while the girl ran away.


Tanjiro's pov

I ran at the man with my katana ready, but once I got closer to him I noticed his ocean blue eyes, they were beautiful. While staring at him with our katanas against each other I noticed that his scent was full of confusion, which snapped me out of my trance. I then sniffed the air 'Nezuko is far enough' I thought as I put my full attention on the demon slayer, I jumped far from the demon slayer "Sorry sir but I don't want to fight" I said.

Once I said that I followed Nezuko's scent to find her. As soon as I bolted for Nezuko I noticed the Demon Slayer following me 'I can't get to Nezuko him on my trail' I thought as I let out a sigh.

At this point I had to lose him so I started running in zig zags and jumping on trees, which actually worked but I stayed on a tree branch looking around to see if I could find him 'hmm, okay I lost him now I better get back to Nezuko' I thought as I jumped from branch to branch following Nezuko's scent.

I followed Nezuko's scent to a cave so I went in, but then I found her in a hole "Nezuko?" I said. I crawl over to the hole to see Nezuko sleeping in the hole, I smile at her, I then climb into the hole and cuddle with her.

(Hey everyone how yall doin so far this story will be slower I guess since giyuu hasn't seen tanjiro's face but tanjiro has so it's Kinda a one sided love thing for now. And I promise you all I will make this as interesting as I can, I kinda just started this with no full idea with what I'm going to do, so please be patient with me, also tanjiro and Nezukos age have been boosted Tanjiro is 16 while Nezuko is 14 ☆♡☆) (Oh and I may post alot in one day so, sorry about that ●♡●)

                                   ♡Love, Anxy-chan♡

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