chapter 3

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Tanjiro's pov

I woke up holding Nezuko in my arms, she was still asleep so I got up and crawled out of the cave. It was night time so I didn't have to worry about being burned by the sun, so I decided that I would find something for me and Nezuko to travel with.

After walking around I found a house, it seemed abandoned so I entered it, I was relieved when there was no sign of anyone living there so I started to look for things we would need. After looking around I found a straw hat so I took it. I also found a bamboo basket so I decided that I would carry Nezuko in the bamboo basket and walk in the sun with the straw hat to find somewhere we would be safe.

After I found things that we would need, I then went back to Nezuko. When I got there she was still asleep. 'Maybe she's recovering…' I thought i then layed back down with her in the hole and slept felling comfortable with her.


I woke up seeing the sun barely seeping through the cave. I then see Nezuko still sleeping, I got out and looked back at her 'should wake her and tell her about my plan. I then crawled back up to Nezuko "Nezuko? Wake up" I said, nudging her a bit, I then see her eyes start to flutter open.

She looks at me with a questionable look "Nezuko we are going to have to travel in the day but I have this bamboo basket and I was wondering since you're a demon could you shrink to fit in the box?" I ask her, she looks at me then the basket she nods and crawls to the basket. I was surprised to see that she had gotten smaller.  "Good job Nezuko!" I said petting and smiling at her "Mhm!" She said, shutting her eyes.

I put the lid on the basket and wrapped it with a blanket so that the sun wouldn't go through the bamboo and burn Nezuko. I then placed the straw hat on the head along with my mask and carefully left the cave, I didn't burn so I continued to walk.

After walking for about 6 hours and I found a house so I went in carefully looking around to see if it was occupied by others, luckily none but it's wasn't bad everything was clean but no sign of people no food but demons don't eat human food so I didn't need to worry about that I placed the basket that had Nezuko in it. I then untied the blanket and took off the top.

After taking the top off  I see Nezuko awake looking around curiously. She then got up and walked around the place "Nezuko, this will be the place we will live in" I said, she looked back at me with a pleased look she then sat on the couch and laid down to sleep, I walked over to her with the blanket I was using to cover the basket and placed it on Nezuko.


I was walking around when I found myself walking to a village. I started to look around then I smelt this scent of blood and hatred. I looked around for wherever the scent came from, it was coming from a man who had the scent of liquor but the scent of blood was strong on him so I followed far behind.


Once he had entered the a house, seemingly him home I could smell blood from the outside.


As soon as I heard the scream I ran inside to see a girl with a slash across her eye and the same man with a knife in his right hand with blood on it. I got incredibly mad that I lost control, with one swoop I slashed the man's head off, even though he was a horrible man due to me being able to smell what he's done I still felt pity for him.

I then put my hands together and prayed that he would be reborn as a better person. After I prayed I looked at the girl. All she could see was my sharp red eyes telling her I was a demon "W-who a-are you?" She said whimpering in fear "Hello little one my Names Tanjiro" I said kneeling down to her. She was still scared that I noticed, so I slowly lifted my hand and took my mask off "it's okay I won't hurt you, I just want to help you" I said, gently smiling at her, she then stopped shaking and whimpering.

She then clings to me crying for me to not let go "Thank you Mr. Tanjiro" She said, she had the mixed scent of relevance and happiness. "Do you have anybody that would take you in?" I ask, she looks up at me with swollen red eyes "N-no…" She says, looking back down 'I don't think it would hurt to keep her till she can go out on her own' I thought as I picked her up "How about you live with me and my sister till you are ready to leave?" I say putting my mask back on, she looks at me with shining eyes "C-can I?!" She asks, hopefully "Of course!" I say hugging her.


I made it home with the little girl asleep in my arms, as I walked to the living room I set the girl next to Nezuko so they could share the blanket, I then left to see if there were any beds. After looking I found four beds. I then set out three beds, I walked back over to the little girl picking her up and putting her onto the bed, I then did the same with Nezuko. After setting them down I placed my sword down along with my mask next to me.


I woke up to someone nudging me so I opened my eyes to see the little girl above me "Oh, good morning little one" I said, sitting up "Umm, i-im hunger…" She said in a whisper voice, but since I'm not human I could hear her just a bit though. "My, my, don't worry about that I buy some ingredients for breakfast-" I said stopping "I'm sorry but what was your name?" I ask embarrassed. "My name?....I think my name is mistake?…" She said, putting her finger on her chin "That's not a name but we'll just give you an awesome name!".

I then got up grabbing both my katana and mask then left for the village. Once I got to the village I started to buy necessary ingredients. As I finished getting the thing we would need for our new home.

(Hey y'all hope you liked the chapter, I have no idea what I'm doing but– were getting through this together😤. And have a good morning, afternoon, or night my friends♡♡♡!)

                              ♡Love, Anxy-chan♡

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