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!!!My novels are completely off-limits to any adaptations and if plagiarized, you will be reported!!!

In the year eighteen-eighty-four, the shifters joined together in different parts around The United States. There was nearly immediate conflict after the shifters had lived in silence for seven centuries in various places scattered around the world. However, not all knew of what the shifters' true nature was as they remained as hidden and vigilant in their safety as possible. That was not made public until years down the line in a series of events that rocked the world into turmoil none saw coming nor wanted in any of their lifetimes.

A boy, a young human boy, changed the future the shifters believed to be set in stone. Belief and faith. They were both tricky things. Problematic, underhanded things that had been taken for granted and rapidly began burning away in the fires of war.

This boy's death set off a chain reaction, plummeting all lives into none other than hell. Upon finding they lived among what they equated to beasts, the humans took matters into their own hands as they always had, jumping to conclusions with no end. The United States would never be what it once was, nor would it be given the chance to become what they hoped it may be. A safe place for their descendants that would one day be called their ancestral home. A place all could call upon in all their endeavors. A place that would become as important to them as the bonds they held with one another.

Cataclysmically, it didn't stop there.

Word of these beasts spread all over the world and with it, conflict and blight followed and began growing. The shifters were seen as monsters by many and the humans seen as unquenchable in their bloodlust by many shifters. Still, a family, one shifter and high ranking family changed the tides bringing upon the ultimate change in tides.

While so many shifters lay dead alongside humans who had attacked and destroyed their lands and demolished entire families, others formed a coalition. Others formed a bond.

The Laurens, a family known for their medical expertise that became vital in a time of unrest, kept a young male fox in their home and protected him from others who meant to harm him. Soon, the fox's family joined them and an allegiance was formed. Word spread of humans and shifters working together and order was finally found in a chaos that threatened to bud into a civil war.

It would not last.

The Laurens protected the secrets they learned of the shifters from humans who wanted nothing but to eradicate them all, while the fox tribe Lis protected the humans from threats of those who still feared for their safety. Soon, an order was formed, yet it would not deter some from being enemies until their last breath.

Two more shifter tribes, the Aquatic and the Okami, joined the Order along with two human clans that were formed, deciding on where they lived. These human clans were named Blacksmith and Moore. However, the Smith half of the Black family was dropped eventually as there was a faction of these humans who believed that the only way to peace, true tranquility, would be the death of all shifters. All they needed was one man shouting of his disdain for shifters, and the family was forever divided.

The Smiths fled to the south and have been there ever since. The Black family took their land in California where they were led by a Native American man whose descendants would always be their leaders and would always have a place to sit at the round table of the Order. The Laurens stayed in their home of New York and flourished by building a society of medical personnel who treated not only the human population but also the Shifters. The Moore took their land in Wyoming, the southern half of Wyoming to be exact, where they lived alongside shifters who lived in the northern half. Lastly, the Aquatic took their home in the east coast, where they majored in fish trade and protecting marine life, drawing their power from the sea and also living within it. The rest of human society was scattered among the various states, but watched over by the families to maintain order in such a trying time.

It was not until nineteen twenty-three that the Okami wolf tribe joined the United States, making their home in Connecticut. However, with them came another tribe, one that had not been heard of on the western front aside from rumours that many hoped were not true.

A rebellious wolf tribe, the Acciai tribe of warriors who were rumoured to have never been defeated in battle. At first, none of their rebelliousness showed and most people believed the rumours false as they lived in harmony with humans and shifters alike. It was as the Acciai ancestors decreed. Still, down the line, everything changed and those rumours were made true.

Instead of only one human boy being killed to spark an already tense, highly combustible situation, the Acciai attacked an entire town, burning it to the ground.

Afterwards, tales spread of the Acciai still living in Italy attacking humans right and left in the streets, but that was not all. Many of the Acciai had traveled to all points of the world, attacking defenseless people, shifters and humans alike, creating a chaotic flow of events that led to the first world war. The Great Dominion Civil War began.

Little did the Acciai know, the human and shifter alliance, the Order, would never let what they had fought so hard to achieve, the peace they had lived within, be destroyed by nothing but the purest of hate and greed.

The war began in April of nineteen thirty-eight and ended in September of nineteen fifty-six. The Acciai, the culprits of the entire fiasco, were rounded up and exiled to their own homeland.

There was another, not a tribe but singular shifters who had lived in the shadows their entire lives, who decided to finally come out of the woodwork. They were cats, jaguars, lions and cheetahs. Feline, to be specific, and all came from different corners of the world rarely holding ties to any outside tribes. Wary of another war on their hands, the Order was quite defensive, but eventually let them join. There were only a handful of these shifters known to the world and not much was found about their past.

Still, peace seemed to reside throughout the world and for once in many, many years, the human clans and shifter tribes settled, making a name for themselves in their lands.

Every new generation, in the name of a Peace Exchange, all of the tribes and clans belonging to the Order would exchange their next generation of leaders with each other in order to teach them why it was so vital for them all to coexist and what about each shifter tribe and human clan made them special in their own way.

It was time for the next generation to take the lead.

Put aside the notions of the world. When fantasy and reality collide, the budding world is much more different and stirring than one could ever dream.

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