The Order: Our Budding Generation: Preliminary Interviews

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Xenia Zielinski

How old are you?

"I'm twenty-five. My birthday's in August."

How would you describe your looks? Your appearance?

"I have an auburn colored undercut that is pretty much always windblown. Vixen's in our tribe carry markings along our undercuts that signify what family we belong to, our tribe and battles or struggles won. Each means something different and it's done through a ceremony that allows the hair to never regrow. It's really pretty amazing. Anyways, I'm six-eight, toned, but not aggressively muscled. I like to be fit. I wear cargo pants/shorts and boarding shorts on bottom and v-necks up top. But that's changing soon. I have to get some three pieces made so that I will look presentable."

Why is that?

"I'm ascending as the First Vixen of the Lis Tribe soon. That's the leader. If I have to do outreach elsewhere or attend an event of particular importance, I'm meant to look more...formal."

Would you say you have any specific mannerisms?

"Well, I wouldn't say it, but Jules loves to pick them out. Tease me about them. I jut out my chin and tug on my bottom lip when I'm thinking hard. I'm well aware that I pat people's backs and shoulders very often, but I've done that my entire life. Physical contact is important in our pack. And as the ascending First Vixen, it is my duty to make sure the pack feels accepted by me. That being said, I don't touch other people's mates. The submissives, I mean."

Anything else? You seem like a very physical person.

"I am. But I also know when not to be. Still, I tend to clear my throat, click my tongue and according to Jules, I have a habit of walking briskly. In long strides that can be hard to keep up with."

Do you have any phrases you tend to say more than others?

"Beat around the bush and missed the book."

Do you see yourself as optimistic or pessimistic?


Do you have any bad habits?

"Don't we all?"

Do you like to be affectionate?

"Yes. It's important, I think."

How do you see yourself?

"Strong, capable. Someone who can and always will strive to do more and more."

And how do you want to be seen?

"Umm... As a strong First Vixen."

I'll only ask a few more questions, then you can leave.

"That's fine with me. I'm an open book."

I can see that. What would you say is your weakest trait?

"Haha... Umm, I guess looking after others to the point of my own expense. At least, that's what I've been told. But I'm going to be the pack leader soon, so it goes with the territory. It's not something I think I really need to work... Well, yeah. Just that."

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