Chapter Seventeen

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The next evening, Bast stood with her back to the woods so that everyone was in front of her. She scanned the captive audience and watched as Xenia entered from the side of the clearing. Her clothing was so different from what she typically wore on pack land and Bast found it quite enthralling.

Xenia wore a long cloak that fell down past her feet and trailed behind her as she walked toward the center of the clearing. It was a deep red and reminded Bast of the evening sky just before the sun was finally out of view. That deep hue that ran along the edge of the earth where it met the sky in the distance. That edge Bast found herself tracing with her fingers as she drifted to sleep each night.

Xenia was also wearing a linen, banded collar shirt. It was dressed with a cloth belt around her waist that held intricately designed embroidery all along its length. There was a matching design along the collar of the shirt and Bast couldn't deny its appealing, aesthetic texture. On her bottom half, Xenia wore a pair of linen pants that were gathered along her ankles showing her bare feet. Something about it all spoke to Bast on a level she couldn't figure out and she was entranced by what she viewed.

Xenia walked up to the stone at the center of the clearing and knelt at one side. An older woman introduced to Bast as Mother Dabrowski, their current First Vixen, stepped up in front of her. She exuded strength, but not as much as Xenia. Something about her stamina said it was waning as she nodded at Xenia with an appreciative smirk. Xenia nodded back and watched as Dabrowski walked to the other side of the circular stone and took her place across from her, then began speaking to all who surveyed.

"Vixens, reynards and kits. Brethren from our allied packs." Dabrowski raised her arms as all saluted her with a nod and two fingers to their lips. "We gather here today for the most vital of our Red Harvest ceremonies. We gather to determine strength and vitality in our Rosnąco. We gather, to turn over the reins before our next First Vixen is anointed and given her rightful place. Tomorrow, any of those who mean to challenge our rising First Vixen will have their chance, but tonight... Tonight we show her willingness to protect, serve and lead our people in the Wielki Las."

Without even hearing a translation, Bast knew exactly what she meant, but had no way of explaining it. The Great Forest. She found herself feeling this familiar ache in her chest for what she had missed out on her entire life. Yet, she knew her blood permeated with it, running through her veins and telling her where she was always meant to be here. It made Bast's legs jittery to run back to her solitude as it was such a strange emotion, the sensation of belonging was so foreign, but she remained entranced on the women in the circle.

Mother Dabrowski turned to Xenia as she rose to her full height. "Xenia Zielinski of house Zielinski, First Vixen to Be, Strongest Vixen Rosnąco, do you accept my challenge?"

"Yes, Mother Dabrowski. I, Xenia Zielinski, accept your challenge." A smile played at her lips for a moment, then vanished in an instant as she pulled her cloak from her shoulders and cast it to the ground behind herself.

Their eyes glowed and they shifted into giant foxes in but a moment of snarls and cracks. Bast took hold of Pen's wrist and pulled her behind herself. Then, she noticed that others around them had done the same. All those who were in front of their mates emitted strength and protection, male and female alike.

Those behind them scented of submissive natures, but kept their eyes on the inner circle. The dominant mates all knelt in front of the submissives and, beyond her belief, Bast felt the need to do the same. She knelt down in front of Pen and felt Pen's hand come to a rest along her shoulder where she played with some of Bast's errant braids. What was this? It was almost like there was a voice in her mind telling her what she was meant to do.

She scanned the crowd and found Kuba with a woman standing behind him. The woman rested her hand on his shoulder and watched Xenia and Mother Dabrowski facing off. Snarls enveloped the circle as the dominant foxes began to yelp toward the sky. Something grew up from Bast's chest and she peered back at Pen to make sure it was really okay. Pen smiled and nodded encouragingly toward her as she rubbed her thumb along the back of her shoulder.

That was all she needed.

Bast lifted her head to the sky and howled, long and hard. She hadn't ever released a sound like it and staggering strength rocketed through her body, filling her with vitality like no other. When done, she caught Kuba's gaze. He looked saddened, maybe even remorseful, but she didn't care. He'd made his bed...and now it was time to sleep in it.

Accepting Pen and Xenia was one thing. She wasn't ready to accept him. She wasn't even sure if she ever could.

Bast turned her gaze back to the circle as the howling suddenly ceased. In the middle of the large circular stone, Xenia had Mother Dabrowski pinned beneath her. The dominants stood and all watched as a familiar voice could be heard in Bast's mind.

"Submit, fox. I am the rightful First Vixen." Xenia's fox said and Mother Dabrowski turned her face to the side. Xenia rose from atop her. Mother Dabrowski stood, bowed her chest to the ground and pulled back her ears, lethargically shifting back into her human form.

"The pack is yours, Vixen. Lead us to victory. Lead us to the Wielki Las, First."

Xenia threw back her head and howled, but this call was different and more powerful than any of the other foxes. Bast remained knelt and bowed her head, fully aware that everyone within the circle was doing the same and knowing it was right. In chorus with Xenia, they all gave a quick series of barks as Xenia howled long and proud over all of them. The allied wolves' howls could be heard as foxes yelped with unparalleled vigor.

For now... No, for the first time since her mother was taken from her, Bast felt like she belonged. Her body shook with fear.

What if I lose this too...?

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