Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Bastet's eyes fluttered open and she took in a sweet, incandescent smell that soothed her to her core. The room was pitch black aside from a sliver of light that drifted in from the moon just outside the window. It shined a dreamy trail that she followed to a leg wrapped around one of her own.

It was so elegant, the way the leg's skin shone under the moonlight. It glistened.

She followed it toward its source and was disappointed when it vanished underneath a pair of loose fitted, linen boxer shorts, but kept trailing her eyes along its owner's petite build. An arm was draped across her chest and Bast realized she was holding onto it. Its hand was wrapped around the side of her neck absentmindedly tracing its nails along her jugular and she felt a weight laying atop her shoulder.

Shifting carefully, Bast turned to see the owner's face, knowing all the while whose it would be. Warmth spread in her chest as she surprisingly easily grinned and gazed at Penelope's sleeping face. Her nose was scrunched up like she smelled something odd, then she sniffed a few times and sneezed. She took a series of tiny breaths until she settled once more and hummed into Bast's shoulder. Bast had to fight not to chuckle aloud and pulled Penelope tighter against her.

Penelope nestled against her neck and shivered like she was reacting to her every move in the most delightful of ways. Her words on soul bonding rang in Bast's ears. You can't fight a soul bond. How could I have ever thought leaving would change a thing? "It's weird."

"Wusss...weird...?" Penelope slurred in her sleep and trembled once again, absentmindedly rubbing her lips along Bast's neck. She gathered her in and kissed the bridge of her head, smelling coconut and the sea. Bast pulled the covers up on her back a bit more and relaxed, at peace for the first time she could remember. She really was home, wasn't she?

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