Chapter Eighteen

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Xenia stood after being marked with her next ascension ancestral paints along her neck and chest. Each represented the Lis First Vixen from each generation before her. The last, placed along her forehead, was Mother Dabrowski's name. With the last stroke, she felt the heat rise behind her eyes and shook as the strength from previous First Vixen stamina passed to her.

She glanced up and watched as Dabrowski's cheeks flushed and she closed her eyes. She fisted her hand at her side as it quaked for several moments, then stilled. With a few more even breaths, Dabrowski smiled at her with slight strain and turned to the crowd. Nothing would stop this ascension now, and Xenia was brimming to the full with excitement as to what tonight, tomorrow, a week, or even a month from then would bring.

"If there is any of you who lay claim to the heart of the First Vixen, make yourself known now."

Xenia vibrated with power and exaltation, her skin coming to life. Her ears twitched as she listened for her mate peeling away from the crowd and her scent drifted toward her. She tilted her head and spotted Jules walking in her formal garments toward them, nearly forgetting to breathe for a moment. Jules' hair was braided atop her head and strands of the dark brown locks floated down her back in lustruss waves. If this was only an indication of what Jules may look like on their mating night, Xenia was positive she'd lose consciousness at the stunning sight.

Everything in her screamed to rush to Jules and take her into her arms, make Jules her own right then, but she calmed her fox and waited. The patience, the restraint she had not only learned from her parents and Dabrowski, but also from Jules as well, was key to her being the best leader she could. She wanted nothing short of being that patient, loving leader her pack thought of her. The leader she knew she would without a doubt become with all the care and strength she had at her side.

Jules glowed as she walked toward the center of the ceremonial grounds, then knelt down alongside Xenia. Dabrowski sent her a pleased wink and proceeded.

"As tradition with our customs put in place by our ancestors to whom we show honor with each breath, no fox will act on their own in their love for another until blessed by our First Mother in becoming one during their mating ceremony. Tonight, Xenia Zielinski, Rosnąco First Vixen lays claim to share her soul now and in the Wielki Las with my daughter, Julia Dabrowski. Xenia, this is but a claim. On the night of your ascension, you will both lay your souls bare as they are fused together forevermore. Tonight, you will show to our pack, to our kin, and brethren that you are ready to take the next step. You may not bond fully, but you will begin to unite, causing the strongest connection you will ever make in your life." She glanced over toward Xenia and smiled ear-to-ear. "Do you wish to make this known to your pack and lay your claim to Julia Dabrowski?"

"Yes, Dabrowski." Xenia stood and looked over the crowd, surveying each face amongst them. "Any who dare challenge me for Julia's hand, speak now."

None in the circle spoke and Dabrowski smiled. "And there you have it, daughter. You have been claimed."

"Yes, Dabrowski. As she claims me, so do I." Xenia knelt back down beside her and Jules took her hand. "With all my heart."

How'd I get so lucky? Xenia gave her hand a squeeze and felt herself melting under her gaze. She would soon be Jules' and Jules would soon be hers. Together. Forevermore and beyond.

Dabrowski marked Jules' forehead with Xenia's family crest, the Zielinski name, and her chest with that of Xenia's claim. The pack united in barks and howls in their pride and joy for the budding union of the First Vixen and her mate. It may only have been the first step, but it was pure and Xenia felt the claim already taking hold of her.

She peeked over at Jules with renewed energy and saw the same excitement reflected in her eyes. When they met here again, those beautiful chestnut eyes would be glowing as their bond was sated, set into and eventually carved into the stone beneath them just as all their ancestors. Once the Pierwsza Matka blessed their union, Xenia and Jules would be one.

But for now... Xenia rose to her feet and held up both her hand and Jules'. "Let us celebrate, Lis!"

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