Chapter Four

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Penelope was led with the other Peace Exchange members to a conference room within the small school on Lis packland. After last night, this morning was a breeze. She went on a small walk through town and even spotted the First Vixen in training walking with someone she assumed was her mate.

It was interesting to see she had a mate. From what her father told her of the Lis, it wasn't a requirement for the First Vixen, the leader of the Lis. However, as she passed them on the street, she witnessed what she could only call love.

In the deepest pits of her stomach, Pen felt a twinge of jealousy at the memory of how swept away Xenia appeared to be with the woman. However, she knew it wasn't due to attraction or anything like it. It was due to her own lack of suitors. Or rather, the lack of suitors who ever really piqued her interest. Pen frowned at the memory of that last woman her father set her up with and then shivered as she tried to dispel the image of her less than modest eating habits.

True, that wasn't something she felt very proud of admitting was a major let down, looks or simple habits like that shouldn't have turned her away, but she still couldn't help it. There was no chemistry. None whatsoever and the woman had spoken about herself nearly the entire evening like she wasn't actually interested in what Pen may have on her mind contrary to what she might have said. Was it really so much to ask that her heart flutter or she blush even once, or was she just being naive?

Pen's father set her up on many dates with the most eligible bachelors in the Underground City, but none spoke to her instinct and drive calling out to be satiated. Neither would be, ever. She felt lackluster at the thought she would never find her mate and also confused by her new surroundings and the emotions brought on in Lis Territory.

Everyone was so happy. They were a community that shared anything and everything with one another. Such the polar opposite to that of her tribe.

The Aquatic were a private lot. They didn't tell those outside of their family their predicaments, if they even talked about them with their families. They never spoke with those they didn't know on a personal level about anything truly racking their minds. It was a wonder how anyone ever mated in the first place, but then again, arranged marriages were commonplace. Yes, they bonded, but they were set up on several arranged courtships before they ever found their mates. However, their numbers were dwindling and her father was finally beginning to push toward the idea of their people branching out to other people inland.

On top of that, Aquatic didn't touch anyone who was not their mate, aside from scarce occasion. Yet, she'd seen how easily the Lis showed their affection for one another, and being mates had nothing to do with it. At least, not from what she could tell. Unless the old woman crossing the road who was helped by a young boy this morning was a fated couple.

Pen played with her earlobe as she lost herself further inside of her thoughts.

It was entirely her older sister's persuasion that changed their father's idealistic mind. Something Pen never thought was remotely possible.

Her older sister was engaged to a member of the Black family of Native Americans who held the largest territory on the west coast. Her fiance was kind and generous, much like his people, but Pen never went out of her way to get to know him. She'd never gone out of her way to get to know anyone else either, which was why being in Mammoth threw her for such a gigantic loop. It was somewhat...solacing to be around these foxes.

As people walked up and spoke to Pen in the streets, including her in their conversations and thrilled to finally speak to another Aquatic or perhaps their first, she felt humbled. She felt encouraged for the first time since her aunt's death.

This land was something special, as were its people. She could feel it with every step and with every scent she took in. Although, something dark played at the back of her mind, telling her not to get her hopes too uplifted at ever belonging here or in the sea with her people. After all, when had she ever belonged anywhere?

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