Chapter 26: Turles and Gozu Bonding

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Jessi said "Rose! Get in here!" Goku Black quickly went inside. He noticed Jessi was upset.

Goku Black said "Yes love? Is everything okay?"

Jessi said "No! That damn turles friend of yours keeps begging for money! Now he is asking me to buy him a motorcycle that he saw on TV. He needs a job! And your gonna handle it!" Goku Black sweat drop as Turles came out the bathroom after a hot shower.

Turles said "Hey woman I need my lunch." Jessi got very mad and grab the frying pan and hits turles in the head.

Jessi said "You will find a job and you will get paid and you will stop calling me woman for now on! If you don't then I'll send Goku on your ass and send you to a mountain! Do I make myself clear!"

Turles said "Y-Yes ma'am!" Goku Black sighed as he grab Turles and took Gozu with him.

Goku Black said "I got errands to do. For now take Gozu to Bulma's place. Here's her address. It's not hard to find. If your lost, ask people for directions."

Turles said "I can handle a simple job! Hmph! Don't worry I'll get this little boy to that blue hair woman's house." He then see Goku Black putting a baby carrier on him. "What is this?"

Goku Black said "For you to carry Gozu. Its much safer. I don't trust you holding him while flying." Turles sighs as Gozu was in his baby carrier as Turles flies up and went to the city.

Turles said "So kid. Do you know how to get a job?" Gozu looked at Turles very confused. He doesn't even know what that meant and well he was still very little to understand much of life. "Well I don't know either. Now where is this Capsule Corp. Sounds like a weird name for a home." He flies lower as he then sees a clothes shop. "Wow. Kid look! These earthlings must have such fashion. It sorta looks cool. Alright we will make a quick detour. Wait..I don't have money." He thinks as he smirks. "I got a great idea." He went inside as he looks around. He found some nice jeans and a shirt and hoodie as he grab some glasses too. "Alright then time to go." He look around as he saw a metal detector. He then sees cameras too as use his finger and had a little ki energy as he zaps the power off for a while as it was full dark and made a quick getaway. Gozu cries softly as he was scared of the dark.

Gozu cries "Waaaaaeeeee!" He wiggles a lot as Turles grunts as he puts the clothes by the side as he sits on a bench.

Turles said "Kid stop crying." Gozu kept crying as Turles was getting irritated. He holds Gozu in his arms and thinks of ways to calm him down. He did some funny faces and tried letting him play with the glasses he stole. But Gozu kept crying. He kept thinking as he then noticed the baby carrier had a little bag as he opens it. He sees a milk bottle and a teddy bear. "Oh he must be hungry." He holds the milk bottle. "What's this white stuff?" He shows Gozu the bottle as he stops crying and had his arms out as he drinks his milk. "Finally he stopped crying." An elderly woman was walking her dog as she saw Turles and Gozu.

The elderly woman said "Oh my such a cute baby you have. It seems your child really loves you. Such a great father."

Turles said "W-Wait I'm not his father. I'm um his babysitter. His actual father does have a similar look as me."

The elderly woman said "Well the way your handling him seems like you could be a great father too in the future. Have a good day sonny." She smiles and walks with her dog.

Turles said "Me a father. That's absurd. I'm a saiyan warrior! No need for brats to be in my life.." Gozu burps as Turles saw the bottle empty. "Wow you were hungry." He puts the bottle in the bag as he puts Gozu in the carrier. "Now to find Capsule Corp." He walks with Gozu as they reach a street. Turles was amazed by the vehicles and people with their phones. "Incredible. Such advanced technology." He suddenly heard people screaming. He turned his head noticing a bank robbery. He was quite confused but then saw robbers shooting their guns at the police cars and officers. "What in the world."

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