Chapter 23: Sympathize with the enemy [+18]

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Kinn's point of view

I open my eyes not knowing what time it is. In truth, I don't care a bit. Dad won't mind if I hang out in bed once in a while. He'll think it's because of yesterday that I wasn't at my desk at the usual time, even if the real reason lies next to me.

I turn on my right side to watch Porsche sleeping like a baby. Last night I really manhandled him for so many hours that it's no wonder he isn't awake yet.

- At the same time, you really looked for it... teasing boy... you wanted to wake up the lion that was in me and here is how you end...

I smile lightly.

- It was still good. You're good in bed...that's undeniable. Even though I don't really love you, I don't hate you as much as I used to either. You are a little stubborn, boring but also above all very kind to the people who matter most to me. You make Pete happy and that's the most important thing. You are a part of his happiness and I can't take it away from you even if I would like to. This is how. We don't choose who we fall in love with, Porsche. I chose Pete and Pete has special needs, which you are part of. I have to accept it...provided I can derive some benefit from it.

I put my hand on his lower stomach, closer to his cock. I want him to feel my touch, but not so much that he doesn't wake up. Porsche jumps but doesn't open his eyes. He moans a little, stretches and changes position, with the chain noise that goes with it.

When I was done with Porsche, he took such a complex position to start his night that I didn't have the courage to remove his handcuffs for fear that he would wake up.

That's how he slept tied to my bed all night. But it does not matter. I'll untie him when he wakes up. In the meantime, I will get up. I take the first clothes that come to hand and put them on before heading to my living room and my kitchen. I'm not surprised to hear movement there. This morning, it's up to Arm to bring me my breakfast. I look at the clock glued to one of the walls in front of which I pass. It's almost five past eight.

"Arm is only coming now?"

I walk into my living room and see Arm busying himself in my kitchen, humming light music. I don't understand the lyrics but I don't care, what interests me is why he's so late.

- Arm!

He jumps in amazement and turns to me, almost letting go of the frying pan he's holding in his hand.

- Oh my God! I mean...sir!

I stare at him.

- You had a breakdown of awakening? How come you're only here now?

Arm blinks several times before responding in confusion:

- I...I came at seven o'clock, sir, but you weren't up...I went to your room and I saw were sleeping...with Porsche.

Arm turns red, looking ashamed to have found out. I sigh.

- You could have woken me up...

- That's what I tried to do hit me in your sleep...

- What? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, it was not intentional!

- I know, sir...don't worry, I don't blame you! And seemed sound asleep...the night must have been intense for you...

Arm blushed even more as he pulled out the end of his line. He gives me a forced smile, as if to pray inwardly that I don't get angry. One of Pete's criticisms of me was that he always got on my nerves too quickly with my bodyguards. As I promised him to change, I have to do it even if he is not there. It is therefore as relaxed as possible that I say:

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