Chapter 5

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As me and Pete play fight walking at the front of everyone in our animagus forms we get out of the borrow of the tree and continue play fighting. Dad slowly walks further and both me and Peter go see him. We let out a small yelp as dad smile at us.

Dad(sadly): You two have grown so much... I'm sorry I wasn't there kids

We let out a small purr as dad pet our heads sadly and we see Harry walking towards us so we nudge dad a little with our heads and walk back over to Ron and Hermione as we change back in our human forms. As we're looking at the sky we see the clouds parting to reveal the moon which is full !

Hermione(pointing at the moon): Harry !

We see uncle Remus slowly and painfully turn into a werewolf. As he starts to walk towards us Professor Snape get out and as Remus let out a growl he turns around and become protective over us. I change into my animagus form and jump on uncle Remus but he grabs me and throw me against the rocks and as I hit the rocks I let out a yelp and loose consciousness.


When I wake up I'm in the hospital wing in the bed in diagonal of Ron as Harry, Peter and Hermione just disappeared to reappear at the doors.

Me(confused): What the fuck !? Am I hallucinating.

Peter(chuckles): What is she talking about guys ?

Hermione(chuckles too): No idea Peter !

Me(roll my eyes): Hahaha you guys are sooo not funny. Wait where's dad ?!

Peter(sit down on my bed): He's alright don't worry we'll see him soon enough

Me(sigh): What a crazy day uh

Me(sigh): What a crazy day uh

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Few months went by and it was now summer and the end of the year ! For the summer we've planed to go see Ron's family a few days, then back home and enjoy our summer talking about summer it's our birthday in a few weeks hello seventeenth birthday ! We're actually gonna celebrate it with all our friends at the Black manor (media). So basically all the people that are gonna be there are Pansy, Mattheo, Tom, Lorenzo, Theodore, Ron and all his family, Harry and Hermione ! We invited all to sleep at the manor for the night even thought Molly said only Ron would be sleeping here. Uncle Remus will be there too along with dad who said he'd try his best to be there for our birthday. Oh yeah no Malfoy ain't gonna be there because for now he annoys me more then anyone else.


It's the big dayyyyy we're officially celebrating our birthday today (June 19th)! Dad and uncle Remus are already here. As for me I'm getting ready in my room. Wanna see what my room looks like ?!

Tadaaaa ! Cool right ! I even got my own bathroom and walk-in ! Any girl dream ! So I'm getting ready in my bathroom and I can already here people getting here I breathe in and take one last look at my final look satisfied with it

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Tadaaaa ! Cool right ! I even got my own bathroom and walk-in ! Any girl dream ! So I'm getting ready in my bathroom and I can already here people getting here I breathe in and take one last look at my final look satisfied with it.

Tadaaaa ! Cool right ! I even got my own bathroom and walk-in ! Any girl dream ! So I'm getting ready in my bathroom and I can already here people getting here I breathe in and take one last look at my final look satisfied with it

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I smile and slowly walk downstairs. As I reach the end of the stairs my dad held out his hand smiling and I take it also smiling. We walk a bit further in the room then dad let go of my hand and I go see my bother smiling as I can see he's also smiling.

Me(smiling): Happy birthday Pete !

Peter(smiling too): Happy birthday Nix !

Pansy(laughing): My bestie is growing old damn !

We all laugh and start to talk and joke around. After a while it's time to eat so we go to the dining room and me and Pete sit at each end of the table to my right I have Enzo and to my left I have Pansy. As for Peter he has the Riddle siblings on each side. As we eat, talk and have fun someone knock at the door. Uncle Remus and dad go get it and we continue to have fun, when they come back, they come back with a beautiful surprise for me and Pete for me it's an old friend of mine from Beauxbaton her name is Fleur Dellacourt and for Pete it's none other than Vicktor Krum. I get up just like Pete and we go hug them, even if we weren't in the same school every summer Fleur and Vicktor would come a few weeks here and we would have a lot of fun all together so I became good friend with Vicktor and Peter became good friend with Fleur so the four of us together it was a lot of fun. Vic would help us with flying, Fleur would help with charms, Pete would help with potions and I would help with transfiguration. So during summer we'd get better at all of those and when we'd get back all of our teachers would be very happy with how much better we would have become. Anyway so we hug them and we make place for them for desert 'cause well that's where we are in the dinner. When we finished eating we went back to the ball room where took our chairs and sat in a big circle me and Pete side by side. Everyone started to give us our gifts even thought we had said it wasn't necessary ! Enzo gave me a book that I didn't have about magical creatures which made me very happy ! Pansy gave me the half a heart necklace and showed me that she had the other which nearly made me cry. Theo gave me a beautiful hippogriff bracelet. Matt gave me a beautiful pair of gold hearings with my name. Tommy gave me a plant on which was written ''Life would suck without you'' that made me laugh and I'm definitely putting that in my room at Hogwarts ! Hermione gave me a makeup kit. Ron gave me a fluffy blanket with a beautiful white and Grey wolf howling at the moon. Th e weasley twins gave me a purple Pygmy Puff from their store which is soooooo cute ! Molly gave me a pull that she made but instead of the 'W' for Weasley it's a 'B' for Black.


1054 words
Wrote 27/10/2022
Published 06/01/2023

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