Chapter 13

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She left our dorm closing the door behind her as I got back onto my bed and crawled up to Tom sitting on top of him and hugging him.

Tom(arms wrapped around my waist): she is right we should get to class

Me(kiss him): I don't want to go

Tom(kissing me back): I know princess but I have potions this morning

Me(sigh): fine

Tom(kiss my head): you're cute when you don't want to do something

Me(get off him and shake my head holding back a small a smile): I'm not "cute" !

Tom(chuckles getting up): yes you are princess

Me(give him a fake pout): no I'm not

Tom(chuckles getting dressed): whatever you say princess

I get up and walk to my wardrobe looking through my uniforms to choose which one to wear. Finally I chose one and got dressed before brushing my hair. As I was finishing Tom gave me a kiss on the top of my head before walking back to his dorm to get into one of his uniforms.

 As I was finishing Tom gave me a kiss on the top of my head before walking back to his dorm to get into one of his uniforms

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I walked towards my first class of the day since I was too short on time to get breakfast. I walked into transfiguration class and sat down with Enzo as usual for this class. McGonnagall walked in and started the class. We learned Goldfinch to Golden Snitch and once class was dismissed we walked to Herbology where professor Sprout teaches us about Aconite. After that we went to get lunch in the Great Hall and Tom sat down next to me kissing my cheek as he did. I smiled and I could see the big smiles on Pansy and Enzo face while Mattheo just chuckled. I started to eat being very hungry since I didn't have breakfast this morning. Suddenly we heard screeching from owls that flew in and they dropped letters to a few people including me, Tom, Mattheo, Theo and Blaise got one. I opened it curious to what it was.

Dear miss Black,

I am pleased to invite you tonight to a dinner in my office as a potential new slug club member. I hope to see you there tonight. Please be there for 6pm.

Professor Horace Slughorn

I looked up a bit surprised but smiled.

Me: well damn a slug club dinner invite

Theo: my dad was in it and apparently it's quite the big deal to be invited to become a member

Tom: our father was in it too a student is invited it's either because of their one of his favourites, sometimes their ambition or their brain. Sometimes for their charm or their talent, and he has an uncanny knack for choosing those who would go on to become outstanding in their various fields with some exceptions of course

Me: well damn only person I know of in my family that got invited is my aunt Narcissa

Draco: can't believe I'm not invited

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