Chapter 3

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Seb's pov

I hate this.

If there's one thing I hated the most, it is having someone else have power over my emotions.It is the sole reason for my limited association with people. I never associated with people simply because of my fear for the emotional baggage they brought with them and I am unapologetic about it.

It has always been mom and Lyra and me, in my world. Until Leo entered my life, three months ago.

As my mate.

The things I felt with him are totally different from what I felt for others.

As soon as I found out he's my mate, I felt this instant urge to become one with him and stay with him forever without any subject to detachment.

Unlike other times I didn't fear the thought of it at all instead I embraced it.

Fresh tears fill my eyes, as my mind drifts back to our first meeting.

Alpha Luke invited me over to their place, to help them with the arrangements for a gathering.

It is a friendly gathering with our neighbour's pack, supposedly their alpha and his son will be here in an hour.

Normally gatherings like these were held at the pack building but since the  alpha is a close friend of Luke, they decided to do this in their house.

Looking around, I examined the whole room to search for my next task I should move on to, but everything seemed perfectly in place, scanning around my eyes met Luna Rose making her face bright,giving me one of her kindest smiles despite in her rush to make everything as perfect as possible.

I made my way to the living room in hopes of finding a new chore instead of standing there awkwardly idle when everyone is on their toes doing something after the other.

Upon entering the room , I find Roger and his mate Misa on the couch in serious discussion over something, they are too into it to even notice me entering the room. I settle on one end of the long couch, carefully to not disturb them.

It takes them few more minutes to notice someone else's presence in the room, they both look at me at the same time, their confused expressions now turning into shy ones, both of them holding something that looks like a tray.

I continue to look at them with the same amused look until Roger decides to speak.

" Seb! What do you think? " Roger asks lifting the tray in his hands, for me to get a better view." Which one do you think suits more ?"

Both of their attention directed towards me now.

The one in Roger's hands is a rose gold one with details at the ends which makes it more attractive whereas the one in Misa's hands is a yellowish gold one with no design on it making it look plain.

Despite my clear favor for the rose gold, I chose to stay out of their banter.
" I am not really good with this stuff. " I answer holding back my smile in.

Roger gives me that knowing look while Misa just sighs and places the tray aside. Now they are looking at each other intently with a quivering seriousness, which makes me tense for what's gonna happen next until they breakout into laughter.

The tension in my nerves morphes into bewilderment, despite the amusement of the whole situation I find myself smiling at them. Honestly you can never really understand what goes on between them, maybe that's how it is with mates. It's like they spoke in the language only they know.

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