Chapter 12

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Leo's pov

Sebastian is acting weird again.

It's not in his usual giving me a cold shoulder kind of way or the I'd rather stay silent kind of way. He's avoiding me and he never avoids me. Well, atleast not until now.

Sighing, I stare at the papers in front of me in irritation. I am supposed to address people with a speech during the ceremony, which is in two days. I turn the pages around expecting my mind to follow and do the same but it got stuck on one thing.


It started after we got home, the day he sprained his ankle. His mood seemed aloof in the car but I thought he'd get over it when the pain subsides. I was wrong.

I thought we had made progress after our 'talk' and I am pretty sure I hadn't just imagined the positive change in his attitude after we cleared out things. Now it all seems so futile and we are back to square one.

It paddles my whatever clarity I thought I had developed in figuring what I must have done to make him react that way in the first place. I can only now stare at it as it burned into ashes.

The buzzer of my phone demands my attention as I pick it up. It's from Dad.

" Leonard. "

" Yeah Dad. "

"Free to talk? It's just we need some clarity over a matter. " He asks.

I chuckle at the irony as that's one thing I lack right now.

" Yes. I will be there right away" I reply not prolonging the matter.

Entering the house I am immediately met with greetings, returning them I make my way straight towards dad's office hoping he would be there and I was correct. Dad along with two other men is seated at his usual chair. He had a expectant expression on his face when he saw me.

I nod to them after I enter the room, the other two men already standing up to welcome me properly. Perfectly settled in seat I expect dad to start the conversation but turns to the other men politely signalling to them to send them away before facing me when it's us in the room.

" You are aware of all the rituals of the Heksuwan festival."

It's a question but he framed it as a statement, meaning I must know about
the rituals of the festival.

" I studied about them in the academy." I reply trying to recollect contents of every page of the large book.

" Alright.So I am assuming you know about the symplexi ceremony that takes place. "

" You mean the engagement ceremony for mated couples? "

" It is. So...The council want to honor you with that during the festival." Dad says and a beat passes before I can process what he said.

"But-- We are not mated." I dumbly remind him as if he didn't know. The panic I am feeling must have shown on my face. His neutral expression turns into a cautious one.

" Relax Son! I know that. " He lets out a chuckle as if I am being silly." They just wanted to do this thing right by carrying out every single tradition there is. Obviously I told them you both are not mated yet they said it's not really important. "  Straightening up in the chair he continued. " They said it's just for the people anyway."

I dwell in thought, I understand the council's plan behind all of it. They clearly doesn't want to fall short under any of public's expectations. That's why they chose in the first place. With dad's reputation they can conquer the favour of people and with their association with me as the next alpha would prevail their future advances.

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