Chapter 17

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Seb's pov

This one looks plain boring, I glared at the piece of fabric as if it was at fault before discarding it in it's respective position. The clothes in the closet started back at me wondering if I'm losing my mind and they are not incorrect because I am, at the moment.

My lack of experience in the whole 'going on a date' area is as noob as it gets,while I can't claim this is my first date,wo of the girls in my highschool had the absolute misfortune of asking me out and me being my ' people pleaser ' self ofcourse couldn't say no to it and went on with them. They were 'awkward' is possibly the apt adjective I'd use to describe them.

In my defence I was still contemplating my preferences back then until I came to the conclusion that I don't have one and also the fact that dating someone was the last thing I had to worry about.So I never really bothered putting any effort.

But this is not just any date, this is my mate. This night might be the beginning of many we might be having for the rest of our lives. As dramatic as it sounded, it is our reality, a reality now I wholeheartedly wished for.

I will pick you up at seven,Leo said as he placed a chaste kiss on my cheek before leaving for the pack meeting. And that's when my nerves started feeling jumpy but it's not the only one, I also have this weird jittery feeling in my stomach I am getting used to these days.

Especially when he's around.

Ah! This is embarrassing. I sighed into the pillow. Checking the clock which is already ticking the six, I once again reminded myself to chill and quickly decide on something to wear.

For one thing it would have helped if he told me where we were going, so I can dress accordingly and save us the time but again it would have made the opposite effect by agitating my nerves further, I guess this is for the best.

Maybe I just need to start with the shower to clear my head.

Hopping into the shower, I distracted myself with other important tasks, like scrubbing myself hard enough to let every other thought evaporate. It felt like almost an hour passed when I finally exited the bathroom.

Shit! It's almost seven.

Cursing to myself, I grabbed the best option among the laid out shirts and putting it together with a matching pants. Now that the outfit is done, I can take some time to style my hair or may be not, the watch on my wrist said. Spraying the cologne on my body for few times, I finally dared to look at the mirror. Thank Goddess, I looked....okay? Okay! I think I look pretty good infact better than my usual.

How humble, Venus mocks. So it might be true, I hoped.

When I finally made it out of the front door, Leo's black car is already waiting at the gate. He waves his hand as soon as he finds me. Stuffing my feet into the shoes,I make my way to him in quick steps as he stays plastered to his spot, just staring at me.

"Ready? " He asks, stretching out his hand for me to take and I give him my hand instantly, he kisses it before leading me to the car. It would have been silly to me if anyone else does this but he has a way of making it look as regal as it can be.

" You look really good." He utters, when we are finally inside the car.

"So do you." I say in return looking at his arms on the steering wheel. I'm not sure why I'm only noticing this now, but his arm veins are incredibly prominent and suddenly I am so aware of them especially when his hands flexed on the wheel and I spent the rest of journey trying to not stare creepily at his arms.

Our journey continues with him talking about the meeting. He tells me about the possible decisions of the council regarding some pack lands. Even though I don't fully get the essence of the things he is speaking about, I gave my few insights about some aspects and he happily agreed to them.

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