Chapter 14

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Leo's pov

I wake up to a warm body pressed to mine and a head on my chest resting comfortably. My heart flutters when I snuggle closer to him and he tightens his grip on me by coiling his arm around my neck with his scent enveloping my being. It is bliss. Even my groggy morning self thinks so.

I have never considered him a cuddler.

I smile as I raise my arm to gently pat his hair because I simply couldn't help it. My devotion to the act grows when he reacts so sweetly to it by nuzzling his nose to my neck. In slow rhythms, my fingers travel through his hair, his wavy curls tickling my palm before I slowly settle it on his nape.

Can we give us a chance

His words from last night are still adhered to my mind acting as a reminder that in fact I haven't just imagined last night happening. He was here. He is here.

He will always be here - Rex states possessively.I concurred it by hugging him close.

After everything that had happened yesterday, the last I expected was for him to think about us. I had seen how scared he was. His terrified eyes almost haunting as it's one expression I never wanted to see from him. I promised I would never let that same fear ever cloud his pretty eyes. Yesterday also made me immensely protective of him even if he won't welcome but thankfully now I have his permission.

The thought alone brought an uncommon amount of pride and ease to my chest but there's also buzzing frustration it came along with.

I look down to find the evidence of that particular frustration.

Shit! I have a boner

Fuck. Continuously swearing to myself I try to get out of the bed without waking Seb beside me. Oblivious to everything he still clings to me refusing to let go. After some continuous efforts, he finally releases me with some reluctance and I replace myself with a pillow instead for him to hug before I rush to the bathroom.

Staring at my reflection horrifiedly, I attempt to calm the raging hard on my pants are sporting.  Ssh deep breaths.


I count in my head until the numbers exceeded couple hundred while thinking all other unappealing things that might help distracting myself. Goddess. It really isn't a decent thing to get hard just by thinking of protective things about my mate.

I take some more time to subdue the vile thing that is my dick but all the effort almost undoes itself when I exit the bathroom to the sight of Seb. His sleepy form stretching as he supports himself on elbows as he blindly searched for me with his eyes half closed.

" Leo!" He calls my name when he finally finds me standing at the door.

I cross the room in big strides before taking his stretched hand. I smile when he closes his eyes again ready to fall back into bed.

" It's still early, go back to sleep. " I tell him as he settles his head on my shoulder and before nodding and drifting back into sleep. This time taking me with him.

I only wake up after what felt like an eternity with the rustling of sheets and panicking figure of Seb beside me. I clear my groggy throat to ask why him he's panicking.

" I have an exam in an hour. " He states staring at clock in horror. " I, I- won't make it. " he adds, hanging his head low and looking at his palms. I can feel the waves of panic mixed with misery swirling in him.

" I will drop you off. We will be able reach if we start in five minutes. " I assure him even though he shakes his head not quite believing my words. I know the task is close to impossibleness but I will take him to another planet back and forth in an hour if that can make him less upset.

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