Kamryn's 1st Baseball game

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

~May 20th~ 8:30 am

Kamala and Doug are at home, and Kamala's nursing Kamryn in her recliner, and Doug is sitting on the couch next to Kamala's recliner.

"Doug- "Honey I got a surprise for you" and he gives her a kiss and gives her an envelope"

Kamala- "Dougie, what are you up to, I know when your being sneaky"

Doug- "It's a surprise for you, when Kamryn's done with her milk, I want you to open the evenlope"

Kamala- "okay, can you please get me a burp cloth, from basket, that you just were folding, thank you for folding the clothes"

Doug- "you're welcome, we are a team, here's a burp cloth"

Kamala notices that Kamryn has unlatched, and she snaps her tank top, "thanks Babe, and yes we are a team, I'm now just starting to be able to do more with out hurting, my cramps are gone, I'm still bleeding a little bit but nothing like I was when Kamryn was born"

Kamala puts the burp cloth on her shoulder, and she lays Kamryn on her shoulder and rubs her back, and a few minutes later Kamryn burps and she spits up a little bit on the burp cloth. Kamala wipes Kamryn's mouth with the burp cloth

Doug- "I have noticed that your not hurting as much and not crying as much when you have to go potty"

Kamala- "yes, thank goodness, now I know I have to eat more fiber, and take my softener it really does help, I'm going to put Kamryn under her baby play gym on the floor and open this evenlope you gave me"

Kamala gets up from the recliner where she was feeding Kamryn, "Honey can you change Kamryn, I gotta go potty, then I will open this evenlope you gave me"

Doug- "of course, let me have her then I will put her under her baby play gym"

Kamala- "thanks Babe, I will be right back"

Kamala gives Kamryn to Doug, and she goes potty.

Doug lays Kamryn on the portable changing table, and he buckles the seat belt so Kamryn can't roll and he unsnaps her pj's and takes her legs out, and unsnaps her onesie and changes her diaper. Kamryn doesn't like that, and she lets her daddy know she's not happy. "Kamryn, we have to get you changed, we have a surprise for Mommy, and a wet diaper doesn't feel good" Doug cleans Kamryn with the baby wipes, and puts on a clean diaper and snaps her onesie, puts the dirty diaper in the diaper genie, and he washes his hands with the baby wipes, and he puts Kamryn's legs back in her pj's, he unbuckles her seatbelt and he picks her up and puts her under the baby play gym near the couch.

Kamala comes back a few minutes later and she sits next to Doug on the couch.

Doug gives Kamala a kiss, "love you"

Kamala- "I will open the envelope now, I want to see what this surprise is you have for me, love you too" Kamala gives Doug a kiss.

Kamala opens the envelope and she sees there are 2 Dodger tickets in there. "No I'm not going into Dodger stadium.... And either is Kamryn you can go"

Doug- "Honey I know how you feel about the dodgers but did you see who they are playing ?

Kamala- "don't care I'm not going into Dodger Stadium and either is Kamryn, you can go with your dad, or one of your friends. I know you can be sneaky and I see you already were sneaky and tried to buy me a ticket but I'm not going and either is Kamryn, you can go with Joe, or your dad, Mom or Tony, or Nick"

Doug- "I feel bad that your upset you know I love you so much and since the giants are here in LA, I though you would want to go to the game and Kamryn could go to her 1st baseball game in person, If you really don't want to go, I will call Jeff, and ask him if he wants the tickets"

Kamala thinks for a moment

Doug- "let me call Jeff and see if he wants your ticket and my ticket that way I can comfort you do you forgive me ?"

Kamala- "No wait baby I will go with you, and so will Kamryn, she can't be away from me for long, I'm the only one who can feed her"

Doug- "are you sure"?

Kamala- "Yes baby"

Doug - "I even got Kamryn a pair of earmuffs because I know people will be cheering and I don't want her to get scared, will you please look and see where our seats are"

Kamala kisses him. "Thank you, you're so thoughtful, I'm going to wear the carrier and put Kamryn in it, I know she likes being in there"

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