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a month later...



liked by, declanrice, bukayosaka and 999,998 others

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liked by, declanrice, bukayosaka and 999,998 others

sofiaeliza busy busy weekend but this hairstyle is just mwah <3


username1 you just disappeared for a month
sofiaeliza sorry about that, i've been modelling more <3

declanrice you still coming tomorrow?
sofiaeliza of course, i always keep my promises xxxx

username2 we need a ship name for dec and fia
bukayosaka DECFIA!!!!
sofiaeliza saka no
declanrice no

masonmount FIA!
sofiaeliza MASON
masonmount can i come with you to tomorrow's match
sofiaeliza of course, i don't want to be lonely
masonmount okayy, I'll pick you up from saka's
sofiaeliza okieeeeee

username3 the decfia content we will get tomorrow 😫

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