thirty three

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may 9th 2022


sofia and declan were waiting in the reception at the mini golf place as the gang have all decided to go mini golf to make everyone's mood happier. after about twenty minutes, mason and india both walk through the doors.

"well, well, well, look who finally arrived." sofia joked as mason rolled his eyes.

"hey don't blame me! he was doing his hair!" india said, putting all the blame on mason.

"but where is saka? i don't see you complaining about him." mason said and sofia sarcastically smiled.

"he's on his way, he messaged me unlike you." sofia said and mason just hummed.

a comfortable silenced filled the air as the two couples waited for bukayo to arrive which was only another five minutes.

"sorry guys." bukayo said as sofia gave him a cuddle.

"it's fine saka, you told me unlike someone." sofia said, looking at mason.

"right, can we go and play now." declan said and sofia noticed that it was the first same he spoke since they arrived at the mini golf place.

they all nodded then made their way to the first part.

as time went on, the competitiveness between the group was so bad that eventually everyone kept laughing at it except one person.


he barely broke a smile and it went unnoticed by the group. at the moment, he is over thinking everything especially about becoming a dad, scared about if he's going to be a good enough but he doesn't want to tell sofia incase she just leaves him.

"babe, you okay?" sofia whispered whilst she held declan's hand.

declan just mumbled a response before everyone did their last go before it was time to leave.

"right guys, i enjoyed this but i'm knackered." sofia joked as everyone bid their goodbyes and then declan and sofia both made their way to the car.

"what's wrong? where's your smile gone?" sofia said once they both got in the car but as she said that, declan started crying.

"woah, bubba one second." sofia said, getting out of the passages seat and literally sprinting over and the next minute getting in on his side, sitting on his lap, and cuddling him.

"it's okay baby, let it all out, i've got you." sofia whispered as she just played with his hair.

"i'm sorry, i ruined today for you, i'm really sorry." declan sobbed into her chest.

"no it's my fault because i didn't even ask if you were okay before hand." sofia whispered as it went silence, the only thing you could hear was declan's sob.

"baby, please tell me what's wrong." sofia whispered again but declan didn't reply.

"baby, i love you." sofia whispered again.

she just wanted her boy to tell her what's wrong.

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍, declan riceWhere stories live. Discover now