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december 10th 2021


it's been a week since sofia woke up and she's been getting more active but the pain is killing her. she's yet to tell declan because she doesn't want him worrying.

"morning fia." the nurse said as she walked in and saw sofia sat on the edge of the bed.

"hey mel, can i have some help please." sofia said and the nurse helped her back into bed.

the nurse saw how much pain sofia was in and noted it down afterwards.

"so it looks like your still in pain with your back?" the nurse said and sofia nodded.

"okay well, i'm going to give you some pain relief and get you some crutches which should give you some independence back." the nurse said and sofia smiled.

"so am i able to go home?" sofia asked and the nurse nodded.

"i'll bring you your crutches before you leave." the nurse said before leaving and just as she was leaving, declan walked out.

"hey angel." declan said, placing a kiss on her lips.

"hiya, guess what!" sofia said and declan hummed.

"i'm coming home today." sofia said and declan hugged her tightly, making her wince in pain.

"oh sorry angel." declan said before looking at her.

"why are you wincing in pain, you told me that you weren't in pain anymore." declan said and sofia looked down.

"i lied." sofia muttered but declan heard her.

"so i went almost 3 months without you, then you wake up and lie to me, what the fuck is wrong with you." declan said, walking out and sofia just sobbed to herself.

she grabbed her phone and instantly called bukayo, praying he would answer.

"hey fia! what's wrong." bukayo said and sofia just sobbed.

"fia, just take deep breaths for me." bukayo calmly said as he put his shoes on.

"he left me saks, he walked out." sofia sobbed down the phone and bukayo's heart broke in two.

"why did he leave, wait are you in the hospital?" bukayo asked and sofia sniffled.

"i'm in the hospital and because i lied to him about being in pain with my back." sofia sobbed again and bukayo felt so bad.

"i'm on my way, but i have to kill him before so i'll be an hour."

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍, declan riceWhere stories live. Discover now