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november 18th 2022


sofia sat in the restaurant with india and the two pregnant women were just having a gossip. the comments on her recent post has literally been on her mind but this time, she told declan.

"can you believe we are pregnant at the same time." india said as sofia just did a soft chuckle.

"it's mad, i'm. just hoping this baby girl has dec's eyes." sofia said and india nodded.

"hoping this baby boy has mase's smile but we need to be careful because we are literally due next month." india said and sofia agreed.

india is right, they have to be careful because they don't want to be giving birth in qatar so sofia is praying that baby girl is overdue by a couple days so they are in england when baby girl makes her arrival.

"dec is on edge at the moment, he's worried that anything could happen and i know he's right but i feel like he has other things to be worried about you know." sofia spoke as her hand caressed her bump.

"i get you, it's the same with mason but we just need a night to chill don't we." india said which sofia agreed.

"should we go and do some shopping?" sofia said as india nodded.

she paid the bill and the pair of pregnant women left. it did take them a while to get to the shops as they were both heavily pregnant.


sofia waddled into a hotel room to see declan fast asleep on the bed. she quietly put the bags down and then sat on the bed. her finger hovered over his face as she outlined his face with her acrylic nails, then placing a kiss on his lips.

she then got up slowly, grabbing a sports bra and shorts out of the suitcase and waddled into the bathroom. she took her make up off and then took her hair out of the bun. as she was doing this, she saw the door opening and in walked her boyfriend.

she sent him a soft smile as he walked over. he rested his head on her shoulder and his hands on her bump. he kept placing kisses on her neck as she did her skin care.

"did you miss me babe?" sofia laughed as she felt declan nod.

"i got a few things for the baby and some outfits for me." sofia said as they both walked back into the bedroom.

"i was worried because you didn't answer your phone, i thought something happened." declan said as sofia lay her head on his bare chest.

"sorry bubba, my phone was in my bag." sofia said as she traced his abs.

"i'll forgive you because i love you." declan mumbled before they both fell asleep, cuddled together and in love.


a/n: i have no idea when this book is ending 😂

𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍, declan riceWhere stories live. Discover now