Chapter 12

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I knew  of the torture that Tomura was inflicting on my son but he was weak and needed to get stronger, quickly, I may not have approved of it at all but I also didn't know how to tell my son and successor that Izuku was my son. I sighed knowing it was time for the truth to come out. "Izuku, in all honestly you are my son." I could see the gears turning in his head as he processed everything and then anger showed. His voice was low and I could tell this was about to get violent. "You mean to tell me that I have went through torture, rape, mental and physical abuse for HOW LONG BEFORE YOU DECIDED TO SAY THAT YOU WERE A RELATIVE MINE! AND NOT JUST ANY RELATIVE BUT MY FUCKING FATHER!!!!" by this point Tomura was angry to, Izuku stood up and walked closer leaning on my desk when suddenly he snapped.

Izuku POV

I activated OFA, breaking the desk in half as Tomura walked closer to me I turned and punched him with 100% causing him to fly through the wall and into the bar downstairs, breaking everything. I turned back to my so called father. "YOU LET HIM RUN THIS GROUP, YOU LET HIM MAKE ME KILL ONE OF BOYFRIENDS! MY SUN, MY LIGHT, ONE OF THE ONLY REASONS I'M ALIVE!!!!!" by this point multiple quirks were activated my eyes turned black, black whip was swirling, black flames poured from from me, my hair started to turn white as a new quirk manifested, Siren. I screamed to the pain and sorrow, the only people who was effected was the ones who has caused it. Simultaneously, through out the city people dropped holding their heads while screaming and blood pouring out of their ears as the sirens song of despair rang out  through the city. To those that were innocent in hurting the green-haired boy, heard a sweet song of heart break. Most of the class 3A and 3B were on the floor screaming. The only ones not in pain was Momo, Kendo, Denki, Shinso, Todoroki, Mineta, Tokoyami, Ibara, Toga, Dabi, Kurogiri, Spinner, Twice, Mr. Compress, the teachers at UA and very few of the Pro- Hero's. Dabi ran to me as soon as he heard the screaming but couldn't get to me due to all the quirks. I was slowly losing strength when suddenly I dropped unconscious and Dabi caught me. Everyone who was innocent was crying in tears from the sorrow they felt.

Dabi POV

*after zuku left to talk to AFO*

I was talking to Toga and trying to calm down when I heard the yelling start, I didn't think of much when I ran up to the office door when a loud crashing happened. I stared as I saw Crusty break everything as he landed onto the bar, well there goes the liquor. I broke down the door as I saw Izuku lose control, the only thing I could think of is to protect him and our babies but I couldn't get close to him, the boss had a terrified look on his face as the song poured from his lips, I started to cry from how much pain and sorrow was in it. I got as close I could trying to talk to him but he couldn't hear me over his own pain, until he dropped and I caught him. I picked him up and held him close, I immediately left the base and walked with him close when his phone went off, I grabbed it and answered. "Izuku's phone." "Where is he?" Aizawa...."I have him and I'm taking him to his dor-" "No! come straight to my house with him." "ok..." I was confused but knew better then to ask right now the hobo told me his address and I went there. As soon as the door opened I was ushered in and told to put him on the couch. I didn't want to let go of Izu, I was scared, sad, and worried. Aizawa seemed to notice this and sighed. "How are the little ones?" "Active, they haven't stopped moving since I got ahold of him." he nodded as Izu slowly woke up a little. 

Deku POV

I was warm and comfortable, I knew who was holding me but I couldn't figure out who he was talking to. I slowly opened my eyes, I heard gasps and was confused. "Wha- what?" "Your eyes, one changed color." "Dadzawa?" I heard a chuckle, and looked up seeing Aizawa who had sad but happy eyes. "yea problem child, I'm here." "What happened? I was yelling, I punched Shiggy, I was screaming....thats all I remember." I looked up at Dabi, "Well from what I can tell, you got another quirk and from the reaction of everyone, you hit city wide with it." Aizawa gasped, "That was you problem child?" I furrowed my brow in confusion, "I guess so....what happened" "Almost all students and pro hero's were sent to hospital, half of them were sent to the mental hospital. And the only thing we could figure out was whoever was singing caused it..." He had a very worried expression, "Then....the pain and sorrow I screamed out...." Dabi hugged me tighter, as he explained further, "Caused everyone who ever hurt you and you blamed to be hurt..." Aizawa's face went from worried to anger in a split second. "I will need you to tell me everyone who has ever hurt you, everything that has ever happened to you. They won't get away with any of this. And that was how everything came out, how I was raped, beaten, abused by students, teachers, pros, and villains alike. By the end of it both Aizawa and Dabi was staring at me like they were staring at an alien. Aizawa was the first to connect the dots, "This started 2 years ago after the incident in the cafeteria. Then that means that night...." I nodded, "I was in the park to finally put an end to it all until my sun and moon saved me." I looked at Dabi who was crying his blood tears again, while I held the necklace that had hawk's feather on it.  

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