Chapter 10

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Deku POV

I had laid down on the bed as Recovery Girl checked on me and the baby. "Seems to me the speed of which the babies are growing has increased as has the stage of the pregnancy." she sighed and sat back. "I am going to have to refer you to a close friend of mine who is a OB. Asuna will be able to help you more then I will but keep me updated on your status. I will see if she can come see you today and let Aizawa know, until we can figure out what is happening I am going to be putting you on bed rest." I nodded growing more concerned then I was before and Dabi took notice of this and gently sat me up and held me. I smiled a little and nuzzled close feeling the safety from everything that is happening. Recovery Girl walked out already pulling out her phone and started her phone call as the three of us sat there a bit awkwardly. "Problem Chi-" I chuckled lightly "Sorry for interrupting you but you don't realize how comforting that little nickname is to me." Aizawa's stoic facial features softened as a little smile formed. "I was going to ask if you wanted me and my partner to officially adopt you, because at this rate anyone can just come in and claim you as a relative and take you." I looked at Aizawa kind of just shocked to be asked something rather than told what will happen but I nodded softly. "And we will address this" he said looking at Dabi then to me, "later when we get everything situated and if I'm being honest I feel better knowing someone other then me knows about your condition and can help keep an eye about you, but what are we going to do about the League I mean they can still call you to fight." I bury my face into Dabi's chest feeling slightly panicked but having to be strong. "I will talk with Shiggy and Master." Dabi tensed knowing this would probably end up with me hurt or possibly losing our baby. "I will be fine it should be for the best. I need some answers myself about something my mom had in the her stuff." At this both Aizawa and Dabi look at me with an eyebrow raised, but I just shook my head indicating I wasn't in the mood to say anything. About this time Recovery Girl came in with a young woman who I assume was Asuna. "Hello, my name is Asuna. Recovery Girl has informed me that you got hit by quirk that caused you to be able to get pregnant and it seems that the pregnancy has increased development in a short amount of time. Did I leave anything out?" I shook my head softly and laid back down. "I have some equipment that I would like to use like an ultrasound machine is that okay?" "Just no needles" She just smiled thinking she knew the reason I said no needles but honestly the only one who knew the reason behind that was Dabi. "I might need to take some blo-" Dabi growled suddenly holding me close and ready to fight. "-od to see if your hormones' are in the right percentage" I gently pulled up and kissed Dabi's forehead smiling softly. "It is necessary hun, I promise I will be okay." He relaxed a little but was still very close to me in case I needed protection. I had to give Asuna credit because she didn't seem the least bit frazzled by being threatened by one of the top villains in the country. "If it's okay I will start with the ultrasound so that I can have a relaxed heart rate reading." I nodded and the process started and damn it that gel was fucking freezing like what the hell warm the damn shi- thats when I heard it two seperate heart beats and when I looked at the screen my heart filled with so much love and protectiveness that I never felt before. "Seems like two beautiful little ones. Would mom and dad like to know the gender of the babies?" "I-I'm that f-far along!" Asuna giggled and nodded. "yes, as of right now you seem to be about six months. Honestly I don't see how you aren't really showing but I guess you could count that as a blessing but expect to start showing fast. When did you realize you were pregnant." "Two months and a week." "Very accelerated pregnancy. So by that calculation I expect you will give birth in about a month maybe less." I was very shocked....I couldn't comprehend what was happening but I knew what I wanted to know was what my babies were. "What are my babies genders?" Dabi eyes were glued to the screen seeing our children when he just smiles. "Baby A is a little boy and Baby B is a Little Girl." I smiled when Dabi was handed the pictures and he couldn't keep his eyes off the pictures. I smile and giggle feeling the joy but a slight pang of sadness that Keigo wouldn't be here with us for this. Aizawa was smiling softly. "Well I will come by twice a week and I agree with Recovery Girl about taking it easy and lots of bedrest. I don't think I need to say this but absolutely no training or fighting. With that I will see you on Friday." Asuna took her equipment after grabbing a blood sample then left, leaving two happy parents and a very proud sensei who is more of a dad then my own.

Dabi POV

I looked up from the children to Izu then pulled him into a loving kiss while holding him close. The happiness I felt was unbelievable and I swore right then that I would not become my father and I will always protect my family no matter what. Even if it means I die because that Crusty Bitch is no longer going to hurt my Little Mouse. Its time for them to stop this shit. 

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