Chapter 9

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//Just some inside notes. * means text ' means in mind//

Deku POV

I looked at Bakugo as he walks towards me. "What do you need Bakugo?" that gave him pause, I never called him Bakugo......never...... until now. "Wh-....what happened to you?.....I heard some of the Pro's saying you killed Hawks but that doesn't seem right. You and him were to close more like lovers then friends so please tell me.....what happened?" Hearing this from someone else wouldn't of made me freeze in my steps but hearing it from him.....from Baku-no...from Kaachan my first crush, love, lover, first everything I froze just staring at him lost in my thoughts to the point I didn't notice he had backed me to the wall. "Fine, I'll tell you exactly what happened." I took a deep breathe and pushed passed him to sit on the bed. "After you were set free, they left me alone in another cell bringing me food and fresh bandages once a day. Dabi was the one who came in and cleaned me up then basically became my nurse bringing me back to life. After I was strong enough to not die on them I was tied to a chair and tortured for three months." I take a deep breathe and sighing. "Shiggy then brought someone in to brand me for him. I was then put into his room and basically became his sex toy." I was looking down at the ground and subconsciously playing with the necklace I had on. Bakugo hadn't moved and was trying to keep his anger in at this point but for some reason kept quiet, so I continued. "After Gods know how long I was finally able to be trained in combat and once I was strong enough to take on more quirks, All for One gave me more. I was then trained on those. I-......I was then put on missions and I killed people. I have become my worst nightmare which is a villain but I...." I whispered the next part but from the sudden take in of breathe Bakugo heard me. "couldn't let you die, no matter how bad you treated me." I finally looked up into the Bakugo's eyes and I saw so many different emotions that I didn't know how to feel, but due to my condition I started crying from being emotional. "I did kill Hawks and yes he sorry was my boyfriend. He was my light in darkness so dark that I was becoming insane from the sheer amount. I love him and miss him but.." I took a shuddering breathe "I was forced to kill him thats all you need to know. If that was all you needed to know then fucking leave. I need to get ready." I got up and grabbed my uniform from the closet but looked up getting angry. "I SAID GET OUT DAMN IT!!!!" This caused Bakugo to actually jump and walk out while closing the door. After getting ready I walked down with my book bag but the smell of bacon and eggs made me very nauseous and I ended up with the whole dorm looking at me as I unloaded my stomach into the trash can. Shinso walked over with a water and a cool damp rag while Iida ran to get Aizawa. I wiped my face off and rinsed my mouth out and muttered a small thank you as I felt another wave hit me I ran outside to breathe in the fresh air. 'Damn this is getting annoying.' I was brought a sprite by somebody but I'm not sure who and Aizawa sat next to me. "Bad morning?" "Terrible." He nodded, as Kaminari brought me a piece of toast and with a small smile I thanked him just glad that maybe some people doesn't really hate me for what I've done. "Stay and rest today, you need it then this afternoon me and you will go to Recovery Girl and talk, because you seem to be further along then you were Friday." I was so tired from this morning alone that I couldn't even put up a fight and nodded. As I got up I swayed from dizziness and Aizawa helped me balance by wrapping an arm around my waist and holding me up. "Lets get you to bed. Ill have someone bring the drink and toast up to you just hold your breathe till we are upstairs." I leaned on him some and nodded.

-Around Lunch-

I had slept until nearly lunch and got up starving, kind of wanting some green beans with country fried steak. I texted Aizawa this and he sent back he would get me some for lunch and that him and Recovery Girl will be there shortly. I texted Dabi kind of worried because we haven't talked in awhile and I fell asleep while crying last night. * Hey love. I got a day off from school and just woke up. I had bad case of morning sickness this morning.* It didn't take him long to answer and it brought a smile onto my face. * babe are you ok? I miss you and wish I was there taking care of you* *I wish you were here too or that we could just be in a place by ourselves. I'm having to see Recovery Girl...... Aizawa said I looked more developed then I had been last week.* When I sent that a warp gate opened and in came a panicked looking Dabi which caused me to laugh but then worry beca- and what do you know the door opens to show Aizawa with my lunch and Recovery Girl......great. 'How do i keep ending up in these positions' Aizawa imminently went into a fighting stance as Dabi turns and puts himself infront of me in a defensive stance to protect me and our unborn baby. "Oh will you two stop." was all I heard causing me to laugh as the little woman grabs the food and shoves her way to me making me eat and leaving the enemies standing there shocked. I gently pulled Dabi down to sit next to me but he was still tense and glaring at Aizawa. The later sighed and relaxed. "I really don't get paid enough for this" As I finished up eating and drinking some juice and water I was examined by Recovery Girl. I couldn't help but smile and cuddle up to Dabi who was just as curious as I was but still putting up the tough guy act. 


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