The Angry Aunt

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The movie resumed with another scene with a cat sitting on a wall, the cat looked strict with marking around its eyes. The cat was looking at the muggle house

"is that Minnie?" James whispers to Sirius and persophena to forget what they saw before

 A man appeared wearing clothes that would make any fashionista faint that consisted of purple robes with stars on them and buckle boots

Marlene falls on Sirius saying "I want to cry after seeing that atrocity"

Sirius just mock nods with her seeing this Perseus  just smile

The man's name is Albus DUmbledore took something out of his pocket, it looked like a muggle lighter he flicked it and all the lamps turned off.

James, Sirius, and moony leaned forward and 

James said, "we're getting one of those right?" 

the marauders just nod their head as their partners rolls their eyes

The cat sitting on the wall then jumped off, turning into a woman with a strict face and a pointed witches hat, yet she looked quite ruffled

Remus looks at McGonagall and said 

"wow Minnie you let yourself go" 

she just sighed saying "don't call me that" 

the kids from the future just laughed at that

"Albus are you sure about this? I can only assume the rumors are true"

Dumbledore said with a sad smile but his eyes are filled with happiness that the potters are dead "indeed they are  Minerva and to answer your question yes I am sure about this"

all the kids from the future understood what was going on they just have ad smile

"what about little Estella and Perseus where are they?"

"They have been given to andromeda as Sirius is not in the position to take care of them"

Sirius asked, " what happened to me?" 

Perseus said "all will be revealed dad" 

Sirius just smiled when he was called dad Marleen just kissed his cheek smiling

then a roar of an  engine was heard and out of the sky came a very big man on a very big motorcycle, carrying a bundle of what one could only assume was a baby

all the people in the hall just cooed at the baby as hardian blushed seeing this Estella just kissed his cheek laughing

"Here he is, Dumbledore sir, little fell asleep on the way here"

the half-giant said with a gruff voice

dumbledore said while taking the baby into his arms "thank you hagrid"

his eyes twinkled didn't last long when he heard a pop and turned to see a woman with black hair making her way towards him with a sneer and disgust in her purple eyes

persophena said to Selena "that kind looks like you"

 Selena just nods saying "maybe"

the people from the future chuckled as apollo and hardian looked at Selena with mischief in their eyes

"Ah Selena what a wonderful surprise" dumbledore said through his gritted teeth, knowing his plan of leaving this brat in an orphanage is not going to work 

persophena shouted "it is you"

Selena just laughed  at her sister hearing her laugh Remus just look at her smiling seeing this James and Sirius made a wipe sound

Selena spat at dumbledore with her eyes glowing " cut the crap Albus what do you think you're doing?"

 some looks shocked at her as Slytherin house looks at her with pride as her friends are cheering for her along with her sister and marauder except peter cheering for her along with the kids from the future

"just leaving harry in the orphanage as he should be safe here until he is ready to come to Hogwarts"

said dumbledore

presophena said in a cold voice "you mean you are going dump my son in an orphanage even though his aunt is still alive you bloody bastard" 

she was going to attack only stopped by her parents Selena and James after cooling her down the movie resumed

Selena said with a scowl  " first of all his name is hardian not harry and I'm his aunt albus  so what makes you think  that I leave my nephew in an orphanage with me still alive"

Dumbledore said sternly "he must stay here till he is of age and with Remus condi--"

selena's eyes are glowing " well for your kind information even without wolfsbane potion he is in perfect control and you didn't get to boss me I am his and with all the right both muggle and magical and if he goes into someone's care it will be mine I just lost my sister persophena and my bother in law James, I will not lose my nephew as well"

dumbledore snaps at her "he will be safe in a muggle orphanage"

Selena snapped "he will be even safer in a pureblood home"

she took harry from him and started to walk away from that bastard and dumbledore yelled


Selena stopped in her tracks and turned around to sneer at him and said

"It's lady Emerys Lupin now albus" 

and with that, she apparated away with her nephew

James and Sirius started to cheer for Remus as he got his girl Selena sat there with a red face getting teased by her friends regulas, evens, Barty, and her sister persophena, when Selena looked at Remus he just smile and winked at her made her shy and duck her head

Selena lupin appeared in front of a mansion which has been protected with anti muggle charm after she passed that charm they saw its beauty

everyone who didn't know about that mansion are awwed at the sight, as the olympian family just had smirks tugging at their lips in pride.

Selena walked in and went upstairs, and went into the nursery where Remus is there with his son in his arm when he saw Selena he just looked at her with love the same look he has been giving her since the 3rd year of their school

he said "hey love you got him "


they put their son and nephew in the cot they expanded and start to stroke her nephew's cheek saying

"I'm sorry hazz you lost your parents at such a small age and you deserve to grow up with them as we all did, I'm sorry such a burden has been placed on your shoulders but I and your uncle Remus promise you that we'll help you with everything we could we will give our lives to save you and keep you safe we will rise you like our own, sweet dreams hazz aunty sally loves you"

"And uncle moony loves you cub"

they both have tears streaming down their face

they both kissed their nephew's forehead

hardian just hugged both Selena and Remus muttering thank you for looking after him and for the fact they did lay their life for him

after hardian pulled away James and persophena tackled them into a hug saying thank them for looking after their son

and look at their son with a smile and kissed him on the forehead saying

"Hello my baby mama brought your cousin with me I know you both will be as close as brothers, remember I love you darling"

"and I love you, my son"

apollo pulled Selena and Remus  hug saying he also love them so much seeing them interact like that all people are happy for them

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